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Password Hygiene Tips and Best Practices

Password hygiene tips to follow include using unique passwords, enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and keeping your passwords safe in a password manager. Password hygiene encapsulates the best practices for protecting your passwords and online accounts. When you practice good password hygiene, your strong passwords will prevent you from becoming a victim of cyber attacks, virus and malware infections, password breaches and more.

Securing Diverse Environments: Security Configuration Management

In our technologically advanced era, where cyber threats and data breaches are constantly evolving, it's crucial for companies to focus on Security Configuration Management (SCM) to protect their resources and information. Whether dealing with infrastructure, cloud services, industrial installations, or outsourced solutions, each environment presents unique security challenges that require customized approaches and tools for effective protection.

IDC Analyst Brief findings: Trust centers can help organizations save time and accelerate sales

It's never been more important for organizations to demonstrate their security practices in order to win the trust of customers. ‍ Historically, companies have used static web pages to demonstrate their security posture. And while these can act as helpful marketing tools, these pages don't provide enough evidence for customers to evaluate a vendor’s security program. This leads to lengthy email threads and manual processes in order to manage incoming customer requests. ‍

Olympic Games Special: How to protect cybersecurity of sports organizations

Millions of spectators from around the world will flock to Paris this summer to attend the 2024 Olympic Games. The UEFA European Football Championship and the America's Cup are also taking place this summer, giving us weeks of massive sporting events on both sides of the Atlantic.

Sky-High Stakes: Combating Cyber Fraud in the Aviation Industry

Fraudulent cyber attacks targeting the airline industry are a common issue largely seen coming out of the underground, such as the deep and dark web. According to RSA Security, airlines are the industry most affected by online fraud, accounting for 46% of fraudulent transactions. As a result, the financial costs for airlines are huge with losses due to fraud estimated at 1.2% of the total global airline revenue.

What Healthcare Providers Should Do After A Medical Data Breach

Healthcare data breaches are on the rise, with a total of 809 data violation cases across the industry in 2023, up from 343 in 2022. The cost of these breaches also soared to $10.93 million last year, an increase of over 53% over the past three years, IBM’s 2023 Cost of a Data Breach report reveals. But data breaches aren’t just expensive, they also harm patient privacy, damage organizational reputation, and erode patient trust in healthcare providers.

Phishing Campaigns Abuse Cloud Platforms to Target Latin America

Several threat actors are abusing legitimate cloud services to launch phishing attacks against users in Latin America, according to Google’s latest Threat Horizons Report. One threat actor, tracked as “PINEAPPLE,” impersonated Brazil’s revenue service, Receita Federal do Brasil, to deliver the Astaroth infostealer.

The Importance of Ethics in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has become an integral part of our daily lives, impacting everyone around the world. However, the question arises: are rules and regulations alone sufficient to make cyberspace secure? Ethics, which are the principles that guide our decisions and help us discern right from wrong, play a crucial role in this context. They aim to create positive impacts and promote the betterment of society.