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Inside the Cloud: Unintended Privileges

This is the third article in a series about cloud-based attack vectors. Check out our last article about Cloud-Based ransomware! As Identity Access Management (IAM) becomes more complex, it becomes possible for an attacker to exploit the capabilities of legitimate permissions alone or in combination, escalating privileges and gaining potentially devastating levels of access. Because these privileges are legitimate, these attacks can be difficult to detect until the damage is already done.

The Role of Zero Trust Architecture in Enhancing SSO Security

Securing virtual identities and entry points has become a critical priority as cyber threats grow more sophisticated. A Single Sign-On (SSO) system offers ease and allows multi-functionality with a single set of identity verification, but they are enticing targets for cyber attackers. Organizations need Zero Trust Architecture to alleviate this risk. Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) is a protection framework that is designed on the principle of never trust and always verify.

Immutable Ledgers: Recording Time-Sensitive Decisions and Knowledge

In a time when everything said, whether factual, fake, or AI-created, may be recorded and posted on the internet, it’s more important than ever to ensure that what was recorded accurately represents a point in time. When someone claims you said, “I was Smoking on a flight, watching Star Wars, the best special effects movie of all time,” was that a false claim? Did they include the date and the context?

What does it take to become a Top Builder in Tines?

We’ve just introduced the Tines Top Builder score, a measure of user activity that shows just how much hands-on experience you’ve had in Tines in a given year. Why track our Top Builders? We realized we were seeing a high level of achievement from our users – to the extent that it warranted some recognition. We set out to identify exactly who our Top Builders were, with the intent to celebrate their achievement at the end of each year.

Stronger Security with Corelight and Mandiant Managed Defense

At Corelight, we’re thrilled when a respected cybersecurity leader like Mandiant introduces a new offering based on our solution. This week, Mandiant Managed Defense unveiled support for Corelight Open NDR, a move that strengthens our existing relationship and integration across the Google Cloud Security portfolio.

5 Zero Trust Remote Access Solutions Your IT Team Needs to Know

In the past, organizations could control how, when, and where their employees accessed sensitive data. Now, in the age of hybrid and remote work, employees can connect to company networks from any location over nearly any device. Safeguarding data while granting employees the access they need is a delicate balance. That’s where zero trust remote access solutions come into play.

Information vs. Operational Technology: IT vs. OT Explained

Since the rise of the Internet, organizations and individuals have increasingly sought ways to keep their information secure and private. IT has witnessed a changing cyber threat landscape, and businesses have relied more and more on the Internet and data to function. However, the attack landscape widened in the 2010s. With widespread computer worms like Stuxnet in 2010, cybercriminals have gained critical access to organizations through operational technology.

Dive into AI and LLM learning with the new Snyk Learn learning path

Snyk Learn, our developer security education platform, just got better! We have expanded our lesson coverage and created a new learning path that covers the OWASP Top 10 for LLMs and GenAI, and is entirely free! As AI continues to revolutionize industries, ensuring the security of AI-driven systems has never been more critical.

NESA Standard Ensures Security of UAE's Cyberspace

To allay dependence on oil revenue and expand the private sector, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has committed, in recent years, to establishing a knowledge-based economy. Consequently, they have become a formidable competitor in Information Communication Technology (ICT). As the ICT industry has grown, so have government agencies to regulate it, namely the Signals Intelligence Agency, formerly known as (and often still referred to as) the National Electronic Security Authority (NESA).

CISA KEV performance in the Financial Sector

As a security data nerd I am absolutely spoiled here at Bitsight. So much so that I have to stop myself from doing little projects and requests so I can dive into the “big” stuff1. So it is always refreshing when folks see a piece of research and decide “hey can you give me more information on my little corner of the world.” Then of course and can throw off those notions of “stopping” and just dive back in.