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Dolos DNS Rebinder: What You Need to Know

Although DNS rebinding attacks have been known for over a decade now, they are only recently receiving attention as a practical attack surface. In the last year, quite a few popular products have been shown to lack DNS rebinding protections, and as a result, someone could operate them remotely using a malicious web site. Manufacturers have made a habit of giving consumers connected devices that are controlled by unauthenticated HTTP requests via the local network.

Why Construction Companies are Overhauling the Jobsite & Looking for More than Just File Sharing

Murphy’s Law (“Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”) hangs over every jobsite like a dark cloud. When you’re dealing with massive construction projects being overseen by scores of project managers and swarms of subcontractors—all of whom are dealing with highly intricate details and a deluge of documents—the opportunities for snafus to rear their ugly little heads are in no short supply.

Six Employee Investigation Fails to Avoid

Investigating a once trusted employee for potential misuse, theft, or other offenses regarding company resources can be a complicated process. While we all hope to hire ethically sound employees, various factors can contribute to ending up with a bad apple in the bunch. Labeled, insider threats, these employees pose a grave risk to organizations due to the insider knowledge and often authorized access they have to critical resources.

The Twistlock Acquisition: An Analysis of Palo Alto Networks' strategy

Congratulations Twistlock! One of the best signs of an emerging market is when existing, massive players are willing to put hundreds of millions of dollars on the line to get into that market right now. Given today’s Twistlock acquisition by Palo Alto Networks, and other recent acquisitions like Heptio/VMware, we believe this is happening in the cloud-native market. Congratulations to Twistlock on their success.

Docker and Kubernetes in high security environments

Container orchestration and cloud-native computing has gained lots of traction the recent years. The adoption has increased to such level that even enterprises in finance, banking and the public sector are interested. Compared to other businesses they differ by having extensive requirements on information security and IT security. One important aspect is how containers could be used in production environments while maintaining system separation between applications.

Data-first Culture + Employees = Better CX

There’s a lot of talk about the ability of AI and machine learning to augment digital transformation journeys by creating better customer experiences and empowering employees to make decisions using data. However, IT and business leaders can sometimes face analysis paralysis when confronted with this topic because it means something different for every business – and it means shifting an entire company culture towards a new way of working. One key shift is making use of machine data.

How to build a home IT security lab: Episode 1

Hello all and welcome to the first episode of a new blog series focused on how to prevent WordPress site hacks. In this first post of the series, I will provide videos and articles that will comprise a set of tutorials to show you the ins and outs of building a home lab that will give you the flexibility to test, hack, or learn just about anything in IT.

Fitting automated security throughout the CI/CD pipeline

As companies compete with how fast new features and products can be released on the digital market, a byproduct of DevOps could be the neglect of sufficient and consistent information security throughout the pipeline – yes that means from start to the next improvement. Sure, automated security testing in production is a given, but what about during build and testing in the Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Pipeline?