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Encryption at rest in Elastic Cloud: Bring your own key with Google Cloud

Now that we’ve introduced Elastic Cloud encryption at rest and walked you through setting it up in AWS and Azure, it’s time to get you set up in Google Cloud. In this final blog of the series, we will explain how encryption at rest works with Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) and then show you how to apply a Google Cloud KMS key to an Elastic Cloud Hosted deployment for encrypting data and snapshots at rest.

Logs in a SIEM: The Liquid Gold of Cybersecurity

Devices, applications, and systems logs are needed to detect, analyze, and mitigate cybersecurity threats. Logs in a SIEM are like gold; they are both valuable. Gold is part of the economy, and logs are part of the IT ecosystem and are the foundation for cybersecurity. Here’s why they compare to liquid gold!

How Government Agencies Can Regain Control Over Who Has Access to Sensitive Public Data

We’re thrilled to announce the availability of User Intelligence on Rubrik Security Cloud - Government. Rubrik User Intelligence empowers Fed and SLED organizations with visibility into user activities, access patterns, and potential risks. This level of insight is critical for enforcing least-privilege access to sensitive data, before it results in breaches.

How To Detect Spyware on an Android Phone

You can detect spyware on an Android phone by recognizing the following signs: your phone suddenly becomes slow, the battery drains quickly, unfamiliar apps appear, it overheats frequently, you receive strange messages or it makes weird noises during phone calls. Spyware is a form of malware installed onto your device without your knowledge. Once spyware is installed, a cybercriminal can spy on you and collect private information like passwords or credit card numbers.

Introducing UpGuard's DPDP Act Security Questionnaire

In an era where data breaches and privacy concerns dominate headlines, regulatory frameworks like India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (DPDP) have become indispensable. The DPDP Act safeguards the privacy of individuals by regulating how organizations operating in India can collect, process, and store personal data. Landmark regulations like the DPDP Act are essential for enhancing data security.

Telegram Changes Privacy Policy, Agrees to Share User Data for Criminal Investigations

In a significant shift in its privacy policy, the messaging platform Telegram has announced that it will start sharing user data with authorities to aid in criminal investigations. Known for its strict stance on user privacy, this policy reversal marks a notable departure from the company's past operations. The platform, once regarded as a haven for privacy-conscious users, is now responding to increasing concerns over the use of Telegram by cybercriminals and other bad actors.

Living-off-the-land Attacks: The Challenge and WatchGuard Advanced EPDR

In cybersecurity, "Living-off-the-land" (LotL) attacks have become increasingly difficult to detect. These attacks exploit legitimate system tools like PowerShell, WMI, or Office macros instead of relying on external malware, allowing attackers to move stealthily within a network. Traditional security measures struggle to identify these attacks, as they use trusted, digitally signed tools. LotL attacks appeal to cybercriminals because they evade detection and reduce the risk of being traced.