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PSD2 and Open Banking - What you need to know in 2021

PSD2 and Open Banking have been around for a few years now. Each aims to disrupt and future proof the financial services market following the vast technological advancements that occurred over the last two decades, and have left the industry with legacy processes and a lack of legislature to cope with emerging challenges.

The rise and fall of the Emotet botnet

A botnet is a network of hijacked computers and devices infected with malware and controlled remotely by cybercriminals. This network is then used to send spam and launch Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. It can also be rented out to other cybercriminals. The Emotet botnet has been a thorn in the side of security teams for many years and has infected hundreds of thousands of devices since 2014.

How to cyber security: 5G is not magic

5G is faster than its predecessor but that doesn’t change the approach to software security for your applications. Some wild claims have been made about 5G networking. I’ve heard mention of self-healing factories and smart highway systems. While such things might be possible, there’s nothing magical about 5G. In essence, it’s just faster wireless networking than we’ve had before. That’s nice, but hardly revolutionary.

Security threats affecting your workforce productivity? Here's how Forrester says you can address them

According to Forrester, the number of permanent, full-time remote workers is expected to increase by 300 percent or more compared to pre-pandemic numbers. Amid the chaos surrounding the pandemic, getting your entire workforce back to the office seems trivial, especially when many employees’ work can be done remotely. It’s no wonder that, according to Gartner, almost half of employees will continue to work remotely post COVID-19.

How Threat Intelligence Could Have Helped Prevent 2020's Cybersecurity Incidents

If anyone has benefitted from the pandemic, it has been cyber attackers. As businesses expanded their investment in cloud resources and other IT resources in response to the pandemic, cyberattacks also dramatically increased. Businesses reported 445 million cyberattack incidents in 2020, double the rate for 2019. It didn’t have to be this way. With stronger threat intelligence solutions in place, many of the security incidents of 2020 could likely have been averted.

A hacker's approach to finding security bugs in open source software

Spencer Pearlman, Security Researcher at Detectify, presented A Hacker’s Approach to Finding Security Bugs in Open Source Software in a partnered webinar with friends at Debricked. Securing modern web applications takes new approaches, and this includes looking at it from a hacker’s perspective. Here are highlights from the presentation on how tech teams can apply the same hacker mindset to discover vulnerabilities in open-source software in their tech stack.

Developer Security Champions Rule the DevSecOps Revolution

DevSecOps has fundamentally changed the way in which organizations approach security in modern software development. The role of developer security champion was created to meet the need for security to be tightly integrated into DevOps and DevSecOps practices. Read on to learn more about what developer security champions are and how they help promote secure coding best practices as organizations work toward continuous integration and delivery.

A Real-World Look at AWS Best Practices: Root Accounts

Best practices for securing an AWS environment have been well-documented and generally accepted, such as AWS’s guidance. However, organizations may still find it challenging on how to begin applying this guidance to their specific environments. In this blog series, we’ll analyze anonymized data from Netskope customers that include security settings of 650,000 entities from 1,143 AWS accounts across several hundred organizations.