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SquirrelWaffle and MirrorBlast: what organisations need to know

Defending against loader-type malware is crucial to avoid a potential ransomware incident, given the fact that is the foothold of the attack kill-chain related to ransomware tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs). Two of the most recent malware loaders to emerge are SquirrelWaffle and MirrorBlast. While SquirrelWaffle delivers Cobalt Strike payloads to victims, MirrorBlast uses novel techniques to gather intelligence and drop malicious payloads onto devices.
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XDR marketing is fueling the cybersecurity problem for businesses

If there is one positive we can take from the last sixteen months, it is businesses embracing a more flexible working culture for their employees. Fundamental changes to the traditional nine-to-five working day means that many companies, in part, have already successfully transformed some of their operations to meet the demands of a new hybrid working world that is now very much the norm.
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How to Automate the Handling of Suspicious User Behavior

We live in a technological society, and cyber attacks are on the rise. Much of this fraudulent activity is linked to malicious actors or gangs of cyber criminals who are trying to exploit anything they can get their hands on. By using tools like Cobalt Strike or customized alternatives, they attempt to penetrate an organization's defenses in order to gain leverage, exfiltrate PIIs, plant ransomware or CnC beacons, or perform other kinds of malicious acts.

[Guest Blog Post] The Intersection of Third-Party Risk Management and Cybersecurity

In this blog post, ProcessUnity, the leading provider of Vendor Risk Management software and Cybersecurity Program Management software, covers key strategies for addressing third-party cyber risk. Modern cybersecurity programs need to evolve rapidly to navigate new challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and high-profile cyber attacks.

Starting with strategy - A multi-part series on building a robust cybersecurity program

Today, many organizations look at information security and governance as a baker would icing on a cake. Something you apply at the very end, mostly to make it look better and add a bit of flavor. It isn’t a structural component or key ingredient, its simply there to cover up the raw product. As can be expected, icing cannot save a cake that’s missing key ingredients like sugar, or eggs.

Top 12 Cybersecurity Regulations for Financial Services

The proliferation of cyberattacks targeting the financial sector has forced the establishment of several mandatory cybersecurity regulations. Though often considered an unnecessary burden on security teams, regulatory compliance is one of the most effective strategies for keeping financial services accountable for their security posture. Cybersecurity regulations must be malleable to remain relevant in a rapidly evolving threat landscape.

What Are the Key Elements of an Effective Risk Management Process?

Risks are a part of everyday life. No matter what decision we take, we always weigh the pros and cons. This core element of our daily lives is risk assessment. When it comes to cybersecurity, risks are omnipresent. Whether it is a bank dealing with financial transactions or medical providers handling the personal data of patients, cybersecurity threats are unavoidable. The only way to efficiently combat these threats is to understand them.