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3 tips from our Internet Security Report on how to protect your network

More and more companies are realizing the importance of a unified cybersecurity system to shield against threats. Perhaps that's why cyberattacks on the network are becoming less common, dropping by almost 80% this quarter, according to our latest Internet Security Report (ISR). Even so, for SMBs, despite progress shown in adopting cybersecurity systems, the sheer volume of malware, as well as its rapid ability to change and evolve, poses a danger to company network systems.

Do hackers eat turkey? And other Thanksgiving Internet trends

Thanksgiving is a tradition celebrated by millions of Americans across six time zones and 50 states, usually involving travel and bringing families together. This year, it was celebrated yesterday, on November 23, 2023. With the Internet so deeply enmeshed into our daily lives, anything that changes how so many people behave is going to also have an impact on online traffic. But how big an impact, exactly?

The Power of Library-Based Vulnerability Detection.

With an ever-growing number of vulnerabilities being discovered annually, vulnerability management tools are rapidly evolving to handle and prioritize these risks. However, it remains one of the most overwhelming and time-consuming areas in cybersecurity. There’s still significant room for enhancement, especially in reducing false alerts and prioritizing genuine threats.

Delaware Life Insurance MOVEit Breach Exposes Producer and Client Data

Group 1001 is the parent company of Delaware Life, a long-term financial consultant for organizations. Delaware Life uses a third-party vendor, Pension Benefit Information (PBI), for analysis and research services. PBI, in turn, operates with software created by industry-standard developers; Progress Software’s MOVEit file transfer application is one of these.

Work Management Company NSC Tech, Suffers 50k Employee Record Breach

NSC Technologies is a workforce management solution pairing perfect prospective candidates with companies desiring long-term employees. NSC has more than 30 locations nationwide, with the majority in Indiana. They are reportedly a 1% performing acquisition staffing firm; that may change following their recent data breach.

Weekly Cybersecurity Recap November 24

This week, the cybersecurity environment continued to be rocked by the global MOVEit data breach. Various Stanford Health groups had information taken in the MOVEit event, up to 1.6 million patient records. AutoZone also announced MOVEit’s involvement in a 185,000-person security incident. Delaware Life Insurance suffered a similar breach from MOVEit, although the number of records lost remains unknown.

Why you need a Secure Web Gateway

In today's hyper-connected digital landscape, where the flow of information is incessant, ensuring the security of your online activities has never been more crucial. Enter the Secure Web Gateway (SWG) – a formidable guardian standing sentinel at the crossroads of the internet, offering protection against cyber threats.

Black Friday phishing emails up 237%

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are highlights in the cybercriminals’ calendars, leading to a spike in the number of related phishing attacks. Between November 1st – November 14th, 2023, we've detected a 237% increase in phishing emails relating to Black Friday and Cyber Monday versus the period between September 1st – October 31st, 2023. We predict that this will increase in the run up to this year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

The Art of Chrome Extension Development: A Comprehensive Guide (Without Code) Introduction

Google Chrome, a highly popular web browser globally, boasts an array of functions and capabilities that elevate the browsing experience. Notably, it allows users to craft bespoke extensions. These extensions can tweak and amplify the browser's performance to suit individual requirements, whether for increased productivity, entertainment, and more.