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Reciprocity Experiences Record-Breaking Results in First Quarter 2021

SAN FRANCISCO – May 4, 2021 First Quarter 2021 Highlights Reciprocity, a leader in information security risk and compliance with its ZenGRC platform, today announced the company saw outstanding results in the first quarter of 2021, achieving new records across its go-to-market initiatives, coming off an unprecedented 2020. Last year the management of risk and compliance became a strategic imperative and top board-level concern.

3 Best Practices for Customizing Your Compliance Program

Most large-scale entities need to prove compliance with multiple regulatory standards. In their efforts to meet their compliance mandates, organizations could suffer a major drain on their time and resources. This possibility holds true regardless of whether they’re finance companies, retailers, manufacturers or hospitality firms. Organizations face an additional obstacle when they have an internally created compliance standard that demands enforcement.

6 Steps To Improve Your Data Security and Data Compliance

Data privacy has been a hot topic in the tech world for years now. With every new technology come new regulations that require companies to completely re-examine the way they handle private data. Most companies already have a basic data privacy policy they constructed alongside lawyers and tech experts to avoid facing serious fines and penalties. However, compliance isn’t just about focusing on current regulations and meeting the bare minimum requirement to avoid legal consequences.

The Hidden Benefits of Compliance

If I were to ask you why you scanned for compliance at your company, I’d bet you’d tell me it was to help you pass requirements easier, to ensure that your audits are good on the first pass and so that you could troubleshoot technical issues with another process. You didn’t know about that last one? Wait, are you telling me you don’t know about the hidden benefits of compliance that you’re getting? Let’s talk.

The 411 on Stack Overflow and open source license compliance

Many of the third-party components we find in audits have been pulled in their entirety from public software repositories (with GitHub being the most popular these days). But with some frequency we also come across snippets—lines of code that have been copied and pasted into source code. They might be a piece of a GitHub project, but they may also have been taken from a blog site like Stack Overflow or CodeGuru.

Data Privacy Update: Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA) in global context

And so it continues. Last month, Virginia passed its own privacy law, the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA), adding fuel to the fire over a US federal privacy law, and introducing new complexities for businesses operating in or addressing the US market. It will take effect on January 1, 2023 (the same day as California’s CPRA which amends the current CCPA) and was passed in record-breaking time: less than two months, and by an overwhelming majority.

What is a Data Protection Officer (DPO)?

A data protection officer (DPO) is an employee or contractor hired to oversee a company’s data protection strategy and ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The role was introduced in 2018 to promote compliance with the new laws governing how the personal data of EU citizens is handled. All public authorities are required to appoint a data protection officer to comply with GDPR.

CCPA Compliance: How to Become Compliant

Personal information (PI) enables businesses to customize the customer experience and boost sales. However, consumer rights advocacy and privacy regulations, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and state data privacy laws enacted in the United States, limit the collection of PI. Preeminent among these laws is the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA).

What is a managed cloud service?

A managed cloud service handles the complexity of cloud-based IT infrastructure so that in-house teams can continue working towards their business goals. Businesses looking to scale their operations need increasingly sophisticated IT environments. Cloud computing allows teams to do exactly that, yet a decision still needs to be made over who manages the cloud environment; managed cloud service providers fill this gap.