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First ransomware, now killware. Can it be stopped?

Ransomware has quite rightly been one of biggest ongoing stories of 2021 – and not just in the world of cybersecurity. The biggest ransomware cases where major companies have been forced to a halt until they pay a ransom have made global, headline news. The impact to victim organizations is usually financial loss and reputational damage. However, in cases such as the Colonial Pipelines attack, ransomware has caused real-world impacts on the general public too.

Cyber Risk & Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)

Protecting your business against a cyberattack means diligently monitoring for activity that could indicate an attack is in progress or has already occurred. Locating these pieces of forensic data (such as data found in system log entries or files) ultimately helps you identify potentially malicious activity on your system or network.

FIN7 Tools Resurface in the Field - Splinter or Copycat?

FIN7 is a well-organized criminal group composed of highly-skilled individuals that target financial institutions, hospitality, restaurant, and gambling industries. Until recently, it was known that high-level individuals of this criminal enterprise were arrested — specifically 3 of them — and extradited to the United States. This criminal group performed highly technical malicious campaigns which included effective compromise, exfiltration and fraud using stolen payment cards.

Bot Malware: Protecting Your Business from Botnet Attacks

Cyberattacks can take many forms. Those intended to disrupt a business often happen as denial of service (DoS) attacks, and its even more disruptive cousin, the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. Such attacks are often executed by a botnet, which is a network of infected machines or connected devices at the order of a botmaster. Botnet attacks present yet another challenge for security and IT teams focused on cybersecurity.

5 Most Common Cyber Attack Vectors & How to Avoid Them

The rapid pace of technological progress has let companies around the world benefit from operational improvements that lower costs. This progress, however, also brings risks that companies must take into account to protect their stakeholders. Cyber-threats are executed by cybercriminals using various means to gain access to an organization’s digital infrastructure.

The Top Cyber Attacks of October 2021

October marked a dubious milestone for cybersecurity. A report from the Identity Theft Research Center confirmed that the number of cyber attacks reported through the first nine months of the year exceeded the total recorded for the entirety of 2020. And not by a small margin either—attacks are up 17% in 2021 compared to last year. Clearly, hackers have been busy, as have the cybersecurity experts tasked with mitigating the damage.

10 Predictions About Cybersecurity Threats in 2022

The number of ransomware attacks continues to grow, and that trend will likely continue in 2022. Organizations will be attacked, files will be encrypted, and victims will need to decide whether to pay ransom or try to implement expensive and painful recovery techniques on their own. That much, unfortunately, should come as no surprise, but what will be different is how those attacks are carried out.

Stories from the SOC - Powershell, Proxyshell, Conti TTPs OH MY!

In the second half of 2021 the AT&T Managed Threat Detection and Response (MTDR) security operations center (SOC) observed an increasing number of attacks against vulnerable Exchange servers. A number of these attacks were attempting to leverage proxyshell vulnerability to gain access to customer’s networks.

Invest in Cyber Awareness to Prevent Attacks

Today’s cyber threat landscape is extremely challenging. Ransom this, ransom that, ransom everywhere – information technology (IT) professionals must work to protect organizations against the next big ransomware attack. Over the years, the sophistication of ransomware attacks has increased as well as the amount of money demanded and paid out in exchange for the ransom-held information.

How to effectively detect and mitigate Trojan Source attacks in JavaScript codebases with ESLint

On November 1st, 2021, a public disclosure of a paper titled Trojan Source: Invisible Vulnerabilities described how malicious actors may employ unicode-based bidirectional control characters to slip malicious source code into an otherwise benign codebase. This attack relies on reviewers confusing the obfuscated malicious source code with comments.