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Why a robust risk management and cyber resiliency plan is an absolute necessity

As we are in the midst of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and in the lead-up to our own Secure Connected Future Summit which we are hosting in November, I feel that a lot of the focus when it comes to cybersecurity still tends to be on prevention tactics. However, I would argue that it is not just about having the right defensive cybersecurity tools in place, but it is also about understanding how the organisation will recover from an incident – how quickly and at what cost to the business.

New from SEC: Cybersecurity Final Rule on Reporting Hits Third Party Risk

In one of the most important cybersecurity regulatory developments in recent memory, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently adopted new cybersecurity requirements for publicly traded companies, creating new obligations for reporting “material” cybersecurity incidents and requiring more detailed disclosure of cybersecurity risk management, expertise, and governance. Companies are required to disclose risks in their annual reports beginning on December 15, 2023.

Kovrr Highlighted in Gartner's CRQ Category in Gartner Hype Cycle

Kovrr has been recognized in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Cyber Risk Management this year. We believe this recognition serves as a testament to our commitment to empowering enterprise decision-makers to manage cyber exposure more effectively with in-depth risk analyses. ‍

Securing Our World

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a dedicated month for the public and private sectors to work together to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity. And this year’s theme, “Secure Our World,” couldn’t be more timely. With the growing number of cyberattacks worldwide, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that critical infrastructure is at risk.

What is a Zero-Day (0-Day)?

In the world of cybersecurity, zero-day vulnerabilities, zero-day attacks, and zero-day exploits keep many CISOs up at night. These terms, often shrouded in mystery and intrigue, denote a significant risk to digital systems and the sensitive data they hold. Understanding the intricacies of zero-day vulnerabilities and the exploits that leverage them is crucial for individuals, organizations, and governments seeking to fortify their defenses against cyber threats.

A Look at CISA's Top Routinely Exploited Vulnerabilities

Knowing what vulnerabilities interest malicious actors is a critical step in assessing the risk of vulnerabilities found in your environment. On August 3rd, CISA released their Top Routinely Exploited Vulnerabilities report for the year 2022 and inside comes little surprise as to most of the culprits. Bugs tied to ransomware incidents continue to dominate the eyes of the agencies behind these joint advisories in hopes that the number of complete owns will diminish.

Boost your business with cybersecurity risk assessments

The factors that pose risks to companies are constantly changing. Clinging to a single defense strategy can be counterproductive, as this strategy can quickly become outdated and ineffective. As a managed service provider (MSP), you may have found that your customers are unwilling to consider new cybersecurity tools unless there is a problem, or they aren’t satisfied with their existing solution.

Building a Cyber-Resilient Future Together

Last week in New York, I had the opportunity to attend a panel discussion hosted by SINET and moderated by Upendra Mardikar, the Chief Information Security Officer of TIAA. We discussed everything from security in DevOps, to AI’s pros and cons, and cybersecurity’s future. As long as the attack surface, API usage, and digital footprints increase, so will cyber risk.

The Future of Cybersecurity: ChatGPT For Risk Management?

When ChatGPT, a generative AI chatbot developed by OpenAI, was introduced in November 2022, the digital world changed forever. Endless questions and even more speculation surrounded the release, and most industries, including cybersecurity, were divided on the tool’s value. The advocates quickly prophesized how artificial intelligence would improve their daily decision-making and elevate their understanding of complex concepts.