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Regulatory Compliance in Healthcare

Every day healthcare providers must undertake the nerve-racking task of complying with an increasing number of healthcare regulations. According to one report, the healthcare industry spends nearly $39 billion every year on the administrative burdens of regulatory compliance. Today healthcare organizations must comply with more than 600 regulatory requirements.

What is Ransomware and How Do You Remove It?

Someone in your organization gets an email with an attached document. The sender seems legitimate, but when they click on the link, it’s not what it claims to be. Soon your organization’s data is encrypted and you receive a message: pay a ransom to the attackers if you want the decryption key. You’ve just been the victim of a ransomware attack. Ransomware has become a major attack vector in 2021.

Cyber attacks: the risk your small business can't afford

As we’ve all learned, often the hard way, amazing tech has introduced not-so-amazing risks: viruses, hacks, and leaks, to name a few. A data breach or cyber attack can happen at any moment, to individuals or businesses of any size – and attackers do not discriminate.

How to Create a Data-Centric Security Model

Information security used to revolve around securing the locations where sensitive data was stored. Now, with the rise of cloud computing, data can be stored and transferred in an infinite number of ways — making it nearly impossible to protect against data breaches for every single device. The best solution for modern times, then, is a data-centric security model.

5 Step Risk Management Process

At its core, risk management is about identifying risks and guarding against them. It gives organizations a plan of action to determine which risks are worth taking and which aren’t, to assure better outcomes for their bottom lines. In this post we’ll outline the five steps of risk management, which you can use to protect your company against the uncertainties of doing business.

What Pandemic Responses Teach Us About Cybersecurity

I’ve been working at Tripwire for over two decades, and I’ve acquired a fair bit of swag over those years: branded jackets, hats, shoes, a watch, and of course a drawer full of t-shirts. One thing I never would have predicted owning was a Tripwire-branded face mask to protect me from a global pandemic. Over the past year, I’ve worn that face mask more than any of my other swag. Of course, none of my other swag protected me and others from a highly contagious, deadly virus.

Key Takeaways From the NIST Ransomware Risk Management Profile

Ransomware groups have generated so much damage that the United States Federal government has made it a top priority to thwart such efforts including, hosting a major international summit on the topic, setting up a ransomware task force and repeatedly urging organizations to improve their cyber resilience.

How to Identify and Classify High-Risk Third Parties

Today’s business landscape means having various business partners. From contractors to technology vendors, third parties are now part of everyone’s daily operations. However, with every new third-party you onboard, you also add a new risk. Supply chain attacks compromise your data, even if the third-party isn’t providing you a technology solution. To secure your data, you need to identify and classify high-risk third parties.

Can MDR Solve the Cybersecurity Crisis?

Can MDR solve the cybersecurity crisis? The short answer: Every generation has its take on how to do security. And each one thinks it has found the solution in new technology. In the 1990s, the LAN firewall rose to prominence, followed by refinements in the form of unified threat management (UTM) and next-generation firewalls (NGFW) that put even more traffic inspection barriers in the way of malware communication.