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How Hackers Exploit Passive and Active Attack Vectors

Learn about the methods cybercriminals use to exploit passive and active attack vectors so you can better protect your business or organization from cyberattacks. Cybercriminals will use any means they can to penetrate your corporate IT assets and exploit any vulnerabilities they find. Your ability to predict and prepare for these incidents could mean the difference between preventing a data breach and recovering from one.

The Different Types of Risk Assessment Methodologies

Risk is inherent to all businesses, regardless of your industry — and to prevent those risks from causing harm, you must first know what threats you are facing. The foundation of any successful risk management program is a thorough risk assessment, which can take many forms depending on what methodology best suits your needs.

3 Tips to Building a Risk-Aware Culture

Enterprise organizations and government agencies worldwide are focused on strengthening their computer networks against the risk of a cyberattack. However, a cybersecurity program is only as strong as its weakest link – and that link is often an employee. Yes, employees remain the biggest cybersecurity threat today. So, in addition to putting the right security controls and tools in place, your Information Security team needs to create a more risk-aware culture.

Learn About the Digital Operational Resilience Act

Around the world, and particularly over the past few years, regulators have been looking for ways to strengthen the resilience of the financial sector. In the European Union, regulators within the European Commission (EC) have taken a concrete step to meet this objective through the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). The EC published a draft version of DORA in September 2020.

Assessing Cyber Risk: 13 Critical Questions for the Board

Boards of Directors constantly need to be educated about and aware of their organizations’ cybersecurity posture. Regulations hold them responsible for decision-making and governance. Meanwhile, increased ransomware attacks pose a financial risk to their shareholders. To enhance the risk analysis, questions like these can provide visibility into the company’s strategy.

Global Companies and Geopolitical Risk Management

As the COVID pandemic swept the world in 2020 and changed the way we travel and do business, other disruptions happened too: large wildfires driven by climate change, and a volatile domestic political scene pressured corporate policies over diversity and other social issues — and that’s just what happened in the United States.

What Does a Business Continuity Plan Typically Include?

It’s impossible to predict every risk that could affect your organization. Cyber attacks, ransomware, natural disasters, and power outages are all potential threats that could disrupt your business. While prevention is key, you must prepare for interruptions to your daily operations. That is why a business continuity plan — a detailed plan that explains how your company will continue to operate in the event of a disruption — is so crucial for your risk management program.

Data Exfiltration: What It Is and How to Prevent It

Protecting your data is an important component of your cyber risk management plan, and one that involves a certain level of preparedness for an event like a data breach. Even the best cybersecurity efforts, however, will still fail at some point — when attackers abscond with your organization’s confidential data, either to resell it on the dark web or to post it for all the world to see.

What are Threat Intelligence Feeds?

Threat intelligence feeds enable organizations to stay informed about indicators of compromise (IoCs) related to various threats that could adversely affect the network. These feeds also help to inform tools like SecurityScorecard’s Security Data by providing a source of information to collect, analyze and share with customers.

Customer Corner: RCBC Bank CTO on Balancing Risk and Innovation

Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) begun as a small development bank in the Philippines and has grown to encompass a wide range of financial services and branches in the U.S., Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Like any financial institution, it must comply with a host of regulations and is a prime target for malicious actors.