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Exploitation of Confluence Server Vulnerability CVE-2023-22527 Leading to C3RB3R Ransomware

On January 4, 2024, Atlassian disclosed CVE-2023-22527, a template injection vulnerability affecting Confluence Data Center and Server versions 8.0.0 to 8.5.3. The vulnerability allows for unauthenticated remote code execution to be achieved on affected versions of the software. Arctic Wolf Labs has observed evidence of C3RB3R ransomware, as well as several other malicious payloads, being deployed following exploitation of CVE-2023-22527. We present our preliminary findings here.

Analyzing common vulnerabilities introduced by Code-Generative AI

Artificial Intelligence tools such as Bard, ChatGPT, and Bing Chat are the current big names in the Large Language Model (LLM) category which is on the rise. LLMs are trained on vast data sets to be able to communicate by using everyday human language as a chat prompt. Given the flexibility and potential of LLMs, companies are integrating them into many workflows inside the tech industry to make our lives better and easier.

How to master pen testing in an agile environment

Problems arise when teams are too siloed. In the past, organizations ran into trouble when Development teams would hand over finished code with security problems to IT Operations to deploy and manage. They realized it was faster and more effective to work together throughout the product lifecycle in a DevOps model, picking up on issues and resolving them as they went in an agile way of working.

CVSS 4.0 is Here: How to Make the Most of It

The CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) is a widely used standard that produces a score between 0 and 10 to indicate the level of severity of a vulnerability. The most popular spot to find CVSS scores is on the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) website, where you’ll see CVSS scores for all CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) IDs.

Are Your Vulnerable Systems Pets or Cattle?

Vulnerability remediation is no small feat – especially if your security and remediation teams are understaffed and overwhelmed. Because vulnerabilities extend across the code, cloud, and infrastructure in your attack surface, and can vary drastically in their criticality, location, type, or affected systems, one-size-fits-all approaches are rarely the answer.

Leaky Vessels deep dive: Escaping from Docker one syscall at a time

The Snyk Security Labs team recently embarked on a research project into the Docker engine. During this project, I had the opportunity to perform what is arguably my favorite kind of research using my favorite selection of tools. The research panned out quite successfully, and we identified four high severity vulnerabilities that allow a malicious attacker to break out of a container environment with a controlled Dockerfile under docker build and, in one case, docker run.

Zero-day Vulnerability - Examples, Detection & Prevention [+ Monthly 0-day Reports]

Unknown threats are the real risk. One such example is, Zero-day vulnerability, having been used in real-time attacks but not yet disclosed by the software vendor. In 2023 alone, 3324 zero-day vulnerabilities were identified in websites protected by AppTrana WAAP, highlighting the urgency of understanding and addressing these risks. This blog delves into the essence of zero-day vulnerabilities, exploring how they operate and crucial best practices to defend against potential exploitation.

10 GitHub Security Best Practices

The security landscape is constantly changing. As such, this blog has been updated to reflect the risks developers and security teams face today and how to overcome them. In our rapidly advancing, code-dominated digital landscape, safeguarding your codebase takes center stage. GitHub is the go-to platform for code sharing and version control in the developer community. However, given its widespread adoption, GitHub is not immune to many of the security challenges that developers face daily.