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Vulnerability Assessments vs. Penetration Testing: Key Differences

In the race for technological innovation, companies often sprint toward product launches but find themselves in a marathon when fixing vulnerabilities. This dichotomy poses a significant challenge, especially with the ever-increasing security loopholes. CISA recommends addressing critical issues in less than 15 days, but it may be wishful thinking. IT teams are inundated with an ever-increasing volume of security alerts, making it challenging to prioritize and address each one effectively.

360 degrees of application security with Snyk

Application development is a multistage process. The App goes through various stages, each with its own area of focus. However, application security, a.k.a. AppSec, is constant throughout all the stages. For example, when a developer codes, it’s expected that the code will be secure. Similarly, the artifacts that are worked upon or generated as an end output of the respective stages are all required to be secure.

Top 10 Best Practices for Attack Surface Reduction

Vulnerabilities are everywhere and often exploited. For example, in 2023, over 29,000 critical and high vulnerabilities were discovered across approximately 1,400 applications. The dynamic and evolving attack surfaces make it harder to protect against these threats. When the attack surface gets bigger, so does the risk of cyber attacks. This blog delves into what an attack surface is and recommends best practices in attack surface reduction.

CVE-2024-3400: Zero-Day Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Exploited to Attack PAN-OS

A command injection vulnerability, being tracked as CVE-2024-3400, was recently discovered in the GlobalProtect feature of Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS software. This vulnerability has a CVSS score of 10 (Critical) and is actively being exploited in the wild. It impacts versions PAN-OS 120.2, PAN-OS 11.0 and PAN-OS 11.1. If exploited on vulnerable PAN-OS versions and distinct feature configurations, an unauthenticated attacker could execute arbitrary code with root privileges on the firewall.

Snyk Code's autofixing feature, DeepCode AI Fix, just got better

DeepCode AI Fix is an AI-powered feature that provides one-click, security-checked fixes within Snyk Code, a developer-focused, real-time SAST tool. Amongst the first semi-automated, in-IDE security fix features on the market, DeepCode AI Fix’s public beta was announced as part of Snyk Launch in April 2023. It delivered fixes to security issues detected by Snyk Code in real-time, in-line, and within the IDE.

Outpost24 Enhances Attack Surface Management with Manual Rescanning

Philadelphia, PA, 22nd April – Outpost24, a leading provider of cyber threat exposure management solutions, is pleased to announce the addition of manual asset rescans to its External Attack Surface Management (EASM) platform. This enhancement enables EASM customers to re-check the status of recently updated assets, providing flexibility around asset management tasks outside of automated and continuous scanning.

A Complete Overview of OWASP Mobile Top 10 2024 (+ A Free Checklist)

31% of executives cite improper risk identification as their organizations’ top cybersecurity challenge. Reacting only to attacks leads to an average 118-day breach detection time, which can significantly impact business. Staying informed about cybersecurity risks is crucial. OWASP offers a list of common threats for testers, but some find them insufficient due to its crowdsourced nature.

Built for Mobiles: Why Choose a Mobile-First Vulnerability Assessment Tool?

Security teams spend an average of 130 hours per week monitoring and tracking threats. 43% of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses, while only 14% are prepared to defend themselves. Companies with more than 10,000 employees have the most critical-severity vulnerabilities. A vulnerability is an exploitable gap in your application's security. As your threat landscape increases, the attack surface and the number of vulnerabilities might also increase.

Prioritize vulnerability remediation with Datadog SCA

Software Composition Analysis (SCA) is the practice of identifying the open source libraries your code depends on. By using SCA, you can analyze these dependencies and determine whether they are affected by any known vulnerabilities, contain malicious code, introduce licensing risk, or are poorly maintained. SCA helps teams understand their software’s dependencies and the security implications of using them so that they can safely build on and innovate with open source code.

Discover your exposure to the XZ Utilities backdoor in 10 seconds or less

When high profile security events happen, it is essential for you and your team to have the information you require right at your fingertips. Using Panoptica’s powerful graph database and easy to use query engine, you are easily able to discover all the assets in all your cloud environments that could have compromised software installed.