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CVE-2023-21932: Critical Unauthenticated RCE Vulnerability in Oracle Hospitality OPERA 5 Property Services

Oracle recently released their Critical Patch Update addressing 433 vulnerabilities across their products, including a vulnerability in the Oracle Hospitality OPERA 5 Property Services product. According to Oracle’s vulnerability description, CVE-2023-21932 is a difficult– to– exploit vulnerability, requiring network access via HTTP and high privileges.

Security implications of HTTP response headers

When a web server receives an HTTP request, it is processed and sent back with a response containing the requested resource and any additional information in the form of HTTP response headers. These headers provide important data, such as last-modified dates, content types, and cache-control settings. The browser then uses this information to determine how to display or store that particular resource. This process helps ensure efficient communication between web servers and browsers.

Can AI write secure code?

AI is advancing at a stunning rate, with new tools and use cases are being discovered and announced every week, from writing poems all the way through to securing networks. Researchers aren’t completely sure what new AI models such as GPT-4 are capable of, which has led some big names such as Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak, alongside AI researchers, to call for a halt on training more powerful models for 6 months so focus can shift to developing safety protocols and regulations.

API3:2019 Excessive Data Exposure: Understanding the Risks, Impacts, and How to Prevent It

Excessive data exposure occurs when APIs reveal more fields, data, and information than the client requires through the API response. Excessive data exposure flaws expose all object properties to API calls rather than what the user needs to act on without considering the object’s sensitivity level. This vulnerability exposes you to data leaks, man-in-the-middle attacks, and other cyber threats. That is why excessive data exposure in APIs is listed as #3 in the OWASP API Security Top 10 2019.

Three New BGP Message Parsing Vulnerabilities Disclosed in FRRouting Software

In our new vulnerability research report, Forescout Vedere Labs discusses an often-overlooked aspect of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) security: vulnerabilities in its software implementations. More specifically, vulnerabilities in BGP message parsing found in the popular FRRouting implementation that could be exploited by attackers to achieve a denial of service (DoS) condition on vulnerable BGP peers.

Insecure design vulnerabilities - what are they, and why do they occur?

There is a huge category of different vulnerabilities that arises due to ineffective or absent control and relates to insecure design practices. Those vulnerabilities are found in various systems, including software, applications, network protocols, and hardware devices, and are a major concern nowadays.

The Total Guide On CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System)

CVSS or Common Vulnerability Scoring System is a framework that numerically characterizes the severity of software vulnerabilities between the range of 0-10. CVSS scores help infosec organizations with vulnerability management and prioritization of vulnerabilities for efficient remediation.