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What is Malware? Definition, Types, & Prevention

Malware is short for "malicious software" and refers to any software program that is designed to harm or exploit a computer or device. And unfortunately, malware is all over the internet, with 560,000 new pieces of malicious software detected every day. It can come from many potential sources, including: It’s vital for organizations to understand the risks malware poses and take effective measures to stop potential threats.

Malicious Code Deletes Directories If You Do Not Have a License

Our research team here at Mend has identified a new kind of malicious code that attackers can use to exploit genuine concerns about security and licenses. The code in the case below is used to prevent people from using unlicensed software, specifically by removing the code if it detects that the software is not licensed during the deployment stage. The code is tricky to understand and uses a web request to check if the software is being used legally.

Bid goodbye to ransomware attacks with Endpoint Central's Anti-Ransomware

Ransomware is an alarming cyberthreat that’s been evolving over the decades. According to Statista, there were a total of 236.1 million ransomware attacks worldwide during the first half of 2022. When organizations do not pay attention to their company’s cybersecurity structure, attackers instigate ransomware attacks by encrypting confidential files and folders, and ultimately demanding ransom. The ransom varies according to the type of ransomware variants.

Understanding Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS): The future Of cyber attack accessibility

The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author. AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. With the explosive growth of technology, businesses are more vulnerable than ever to malicious cyber attacks. And as cybercriminals become more sophisticated, new methods of attack are popping up left and right.

2022 Year in Review: Ransomware

With 2022 having just ended, let's take a look back at the year in ransomware. With the average cost of an attack ranging from $570,00 to $812,360 for just the ransom, according to Cloudally, it should be no surprise that it continued to be one of the most prominent attacks utilized by malicious groups. We'll be doing a quick overview of a few of the most active groups within the space over the past year, and any developments that those groups have made in the past 12 months.

CISA Top Malware Summary

This blog summarizes the Splunk Threat Research Team’s (STRT) recent review of the CISA Top 10 Malware strains for the year 2021 report. While many of these payloads have been covered in our past and present research (available at, these malware families are still active in the wild. Notably, five malware families we analyzed in this article can still be seen in the ANY.RUN Malware Trends Tracker.

LockBit ransomware gang says sorry, gives free decryptor to SickKids hospital

Do ransomware gangs actually have a heart? Perhaps... Just days before Christmas, on the night of Sunday 18 December 2022, Canada's Hospital for Sick Children (better known as SickKids) was hit by a ransomware attack. The Toronto-based teaching and research hospital reported that the attack had impacted its internal systems, phone lines, and website.

How to Check If a File Has a Virus or not Before Downloading It?

The file has a virus or not! Though it is a four worded sentence, it is sure to scare you off. This concern is real as there is no scarcity of malware or viruses lurking in all corners of the world. Given the challenging technological scenario, detecting legitimate download sites is getting tougher every day. Fortunately, cybersecurity experts are saving us. Thus, detecting a virus corrupted file has become a convenient process.