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Significant Increase in Malicious Files Delivered via OneNote Attachments

Arctic Wolf has observed a significant increase in the number of malicious files delivered and opened via OneNote email attachments. Unlike malicious Word and Excel files, infected OneNote files do not require the security prompt asking the end-user to allow macros, thus increasing the chances of unknowingly running the malicious executable.

How Rubrik Supports NASCIO 2023 Priorities

The annual State CIO Top 10 priorities list issued by the National Association of State Chief Information Officers shows that while the technology initiatives remain relatively unchanged, there is a slight shuffle around priorities. Cybersecurity continues to take the number one spot and will likely be the case for years to come, given the increase in ransomware attacks across industries and organizations of all sizes.

Active ESXiArgs Ransomware Campaign Targeting ESXi Servers Worldwide

Early Friday morning, February 3, 2023, Arctic Wolf Labs began monitoring a new ransomware campaign targeting public-facing ESXi servers. The campaign has grown exponentially over the weekend, with approximately 3,000 victims worldwide as of early-Monday morning. Based on reporting from OVH, the threat actors behind this campaign are likely leveraging a nearly two year old heap overflow vulnerability (CVE-2021-21974) in VMware ESXi’s OpenSLP service.

Hive Shutdown Incident

Ransomware is one of the most painful threats to organizations worldwide. As this industry keeps on growing both in number of groups and improved technology, every now and then global authorities are able to get their hands on individuals and important data that can mitigate and prevent this threat. This week, the FBI was able to take down the notorious Hive Ransomware group’s Onion Site.

Nevada Ransomware Campaign

Over the weekend, a relatively new ransomware group named Nevada Ransomware initiated a first massive campaign, targeting any ESXi machine that is exposed to the internet. The group seemed to compromise hundreds of servers over the weekend and caused major damage. Although the scale of this campaign is one of the biggest we have seen, it might already have a solution.

4 Strategies to Stay Secure in a Connected World

Cybersecurity is a complex term, it’s become all-encompassing and constantly evolving to include new and emerging technologies, attacks, actors, and a myriad of other points. What this means for organizations large, medium, and small is that each must have a cybersecurity plan in place. An interesting point, however, is despite the mindshare cybersecurity now enjoys, the industry itself is still in its relative infancy.

Redline Infostealer Analysis (Part 2)

Redline infostealer gathers information and steals high value data from an infected machine. The Redline infostealer is considered one of the most dangerous malware currently being used in the wild and has been used in countless trojanized software, applications, games and cracked software. In addition to data exfiltration, Redline also has the capability to connect to a command and control (C2) server to download, upload files as well as perform remote commands.

5 Data Center Security Threats Businesses Must be Aware of in 2023

As reported by CIOSEA News, global cyber attacks saw an increase by 38 percent in 2022. This is in comparison to the percentage of such attacks seen in 2021. It's an alarming situation, one that clearly shows that cyber security threats are constantly growing. In some countries, cyber attacks were more severe and greater in number than in others. DIGIT News reported that the UK saw a 77 percent increase in cyber attacks in 2022. These are astounding figures, and they all point to how dangerous cyberspace has become.