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Fake ChatGPT apps spread Windows and Android malware

OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot has been a phenomenon, taking the internet by storm. Whether it is composing poetry, writing essays for college students, or finding bugs in computer code, it has impressed millions of people and proven itself to be the most accessible form of artificial intelligence ever seen.

HardBit ransomware tells corporate victims to share their cyber insurance details

A ransomware outfit is advising its victims to secretly tell them how much insurance they have, so their extortion demands will be met. As security researchers at Varonis describe, a new strain of the HardBit ransomware has taken the unusual step of asking targeted companies to spill the beans of whether they have cyber insurance (and the terms of that insurance) anonymously.

Ransomware Families Bringing Home the Biggest Security Risks

Ransomware is the type of malware that locks you out of your own computer until you pay a ransom. This digital extortion is one of the most serious security threats facing the Internet today. Ransomware not only impacts unsuspecting Internet users, but business organizations, government institutions and even critical services such as utility, healthcare and emergency facilities. Ransomware has been around for many years.

A Study on the Security Measures Used by Top Operating Systems

An Operating System (OS) is the software that acts as a bridge between the computer hardware and the applications being run on the computer. It is responsible for managing and controlling the computer’s resources such as memory, processors, and input/output devices. The OS provides a user-friendly interface for users to interact with the computer, making it easier for users to perform tasks like file management, launching applications, and configuring system settings.

Oakland declares a state of emergency over ransomware attack

The city government of Oakland has declared a state of emergency after it was hit by a ransomware attack. The attack, which began in the evening of February 8th, has forced the city to take all its IT systems offline, and has affected many non-emergency services, including the ability to collect payments, issue permits, and process reports.

Netskope Cloud Threats Memo: Learnings From the Hi-Tech Crime Trends 2022/2023

The underground economy of the initial access brokers (IABs) is more flourishing than ever. At least this is one of the conclusions of the recent report “Hi-Tech Crime Trends 2022/2023” released by Group-IB. Initial access brokers exploit vulnerabilities or misconfigurations to get hold of valid access credentials (typically VPN or RDP) and outsource or sell them to criminal gangs, including ransomware operators.

Malware 101: What It Is, Current Trends, Signs You're Infected & Prevention

Malware refers to any modified script in a software system that aims to cause intentional harm to the victim. The term malware is a portmanteau that blends two words: malicious and software. Let’s take a good look at this bad situation. We’ll review how malware works, alarming stats and trends, signs that you’re likely infected and, most importantly, ways to prevent this malice.

The ION Ransomware Crisis: A Wake-Up Call for Organizations

Ransomware appears to be one of the most expensive and disruptive internet afflictions. It is a type of malware that encrypts the victim's files and vital information, and hackers demand payoffs to provide the decryption keys. While ransomware is not any new form of attack on cybersecurity, the prevalent scenario is indeed alarming; the following numbers corroborate the same- It seems that individuals and organizations are likely to get affected by ransomware attacks even in 2023 and beyond.

GuLoader - a highly effective and versatile malware that can evade detection

The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author. AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. This blog was jointly authored with Arjun Patel. GuLoader is a malware downloader that is primarily used for distributing other shellcode and malware such as ransomware and banking Trojans.