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Progressive Insurance Hit By a Data Breach Putting 347,100 Customers at Risk

Progressive is a large insurance company based in Mayfield Village, Ohio. The company is known throughout the United States and other parts of the world and is responsible for insuring many US citizens. The organization employs over 49,000 workers and generates an estimated $48 billion in annual revenue. Since Progressive is an insurance company, it handles personal data, medical information, and other sensitive details about individuals.

What Data Breaches Tell Us: An Analysis of 17,000 U.S. Data Breaches

Data breach attacks are serious problems for companies, organizations and institutions all over the world. For example, in the US one data breach costs on average 9.4 Million USD, which is the highest worldwide. To handle—or ideally, prevent—these attacks, we need to understand first the “why” and “how” of an attack. With this objective in mind, Bitsight analyzed more than 17,000 data breach events from the last seven years affecting 23 sectors in the US.

Colorado Public School Students at Risk Because of Department of Education Breach

The Colorado Department of Higher Education is the government organization responsible for overseeing public education throughout the state. The organization implants most education-related policies and also manages data for educational institutions. This organization recently suffered from a significant data breach, leading to information losses for students associated with public schools throughout Colorado. It's an issue that could result in widespread data losses.

Allegheny County PA the Latest MoveIT Data Breach Victims on the List

Allegheny County is the second largest county in Pennsylvania, behind Philadelphia County. It is located in Southwest Pennsylvania and has approximately 1.2 million residents. This large county was the recent victim of a data breach, which means many of the county residents could be at risk of being exposed. Learn the details about this potentially disastrous data loss and who should react to the attack to protect themselves from future issues.

THEY DID WHAT!? Auditing a security breach using Enterprise OPA decision logs and AWS Athena

You will learn how to use the Enterprise OPA Enhanced Decision Logs feature to configure Enterprise OPA (EOPA) to upload decision logs to an AWS S3 bucket so that they can be queried using AWS Athena. In mid to large sized deployments of EOPA, immense quantities of decision logs can be generated, necessitating big data tools such as Athena. This can be useful for security breach auditing, auditing access decisions, and for business intelligence in general.

1.7 Million Oregon Health Users Lose Their Data to a PH Tech Breach

PH Tech is a specialized services company that works with health insurance companies providing some of their business and administrative services. The company employs 211 people and serves a variety of businesses throughout Oregon and other locations. Because this company manages insurance enrollment, various customer service tasks, and payment services, the organization handles a great deal of personal and medical data that could have been exposed during the latest data breach.

Weekly Cybersecurity Recap August 4

Each week we look at the data losses, hacker attacks, and the state of security in the United States and around the world. This week things seem to be particularly bleak. We always expect to see some breaches in major companies, but this week we learned about widespread employee credential losses in countless corporations throughout the United States and the world.

Fairfax Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Gets Hacked Losing Data for Over 208k

Fairfax Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, or Fairfax OMS, is a dental practice that first opened in Burke, Virginia, in 1980. The organization offers a mix of dental surgery services, such as bone grafting, wisdom tooth extraction, dental implants, and more. The organization accepts patients in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and six separate locations throughout Virginia. There are more than 87 employees in the organization, and it generates about $16 million in annual revenue.

MSU Students Could Lose Data in MOVEit Data Breaches

Michigan State University is a large school located in East Lansing, Michigan. This public university has more than 49,000 students per semester and is set over a location spread across 5,300 acres. The university caters to hundreds of thousands of students over time, many of whom may have been exposed due to a recent data breach. The breach wasn't on the university itself, but it likely impacted many of the students attending Michigan State.

Account Takeover (ATO) Fraud: What Is It and How It Happens

The impacts of account takeover fraud are genuine. According to the Javelin 2022 Identity Fraud Study, 22% of U.S. adults have been victims of account takeover attacks. This type of fraud can have devastating financial and personal consequences when criminals gain access to accounts and exploit them for theft and abuse. Understanding account takeover and how it happens enables individuals and businesses to better detect and prevent these schemes.