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Jackson National Life Insurance is Another Major Company Hit by MOVEit Data Breaches

Jackson National Life Insurance is based in Lansing, Michigan, and was founded in 1961. This insurance and annuities company offers retail brokerage services and offers asset management services to its customers. Nearly 3,000 people are employed by the company, and it has an annual revenue of $14.4 billion. This large-scale insurance company is just one of the many recent organizations to be hurt by the MOVEit file transfer service breaches.

UCLA Hit By Recent Data Breach: Students and Faculty are At Risk

The University of California, or UCLA, is a public university in Los Angeles, California. The school serves approximately 32,000 students each term and is well-known as a leading public University in the United States. The school was the target of a recent cyber attack linked back to the C10P ransomware gang that likely exposed students and staff members to significant data loss.

Thousands of ChatGPT Users are Suffering From Data Breaches Across the Globe

ChatGPT is a well-known Ai tool that automates different chat services. Many business owners, professionals, and individuals are now using this tool to automate tasks in their lives. It's a convenient tool but not necessarily a secure one. There have been data breaches that began from the ChatGPT service since it was released, and thousands of Americans are being impacted by these breaches now.

Weekly Cybersecurity Recap June 30

Nobody is safe from the latest round of data breaches plaguing American government offices, major corporations, and school districts. This week the NYC Department of Education along with the city of Fort Worth, Texas, were both targets of data breaches. Also, retired California educators and public servants were hit by a breach, making it clear that the US government is a key target for most hackers.

Thousands of American and Southwest Airlines Pilots Exposed by Third-Party Breach

American Airlines and Southwest Airlines are both known for offering a long list of destinations throughout the United States and some other parts of the world. Two of America's largest airlines just suffered from a data breach that threatens to expose new pilots and cadets joining and hoping to join the airlines.

More than 45K Students Lose Data in NYC Dept of Education Breach

The NYC Department of Education manages all the public schools throughout the New York City metro area. More than 1.1 million students go to the managed schools, and the organization oversees all this activity while handling data for these students. The NYC Dept of Education was recently involved in a data breach connected with the MOVEit file transfer solution, and that data breach could have resulted in substantial data losses for faculty members and students in the districts.

Long Live The New King - Is the New RaidForums Domain?

For the past five years the notorious RaidForums had been one, if not the main pillar of the cybercriminals industry, serving many purposes, but the main activity of this forum was exclusively leaked databases. Towards the end of February, RaidForums was seized by the authorities and officially closed on April 12 by the FBI and its main owner was arrested.

California State Retirees Hit by Data Breach: More than 770,000 Impacted

Both CalPERS and CalSTRS are agencies that manage retirement funds and health benefits for retired California teachers, government employees, and more types of public service employees. These organizations handle a huge amount of personal and financial data for teachers and other individuals, and they even handle pensions for them. That's why it's so upsetting to learn that both CalPERS and CalSTRS were impacted by a recent data breach.

A Guide to 5 Common Twitter Scams in 2023

Elon Musk's ascension isn't the first thing to cause waves of scams on Twitter, and it certainly won't be the last. On July 20th of 2022, data belonging to over 5 million Twitter users was put up for sale on the internet underground for $30,000. The FTC reported that we've experienced a recent "gold mine for scammers" and the April bump to a 10,000-character limit (for Twitter Blue) only makes things more interesting.

Hacker Gang SigedSec Makes a Statement By Hacking Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth is the fifth largest city in the state of Texas and approximately the 12th largest in the United States. The city is home to over 900,000 people and maintains a staff of thousands of individuals. The state manages a substantial amount of data in its servers, including public and private information that could be harmful if taken and shared with people online. That's why we were worried when we noted the city was breached, and over 500,000 files were taken.