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Over 7 Million Alumni Hit in the University of Minnesota Data Breach

The University of Minnesota is a large research school based in Saint Paul and Minneapolis. The school works with more than 50,000 students annually and protects data from them over time. The major Minneapolis-based university was recently the victim of a data breach, and millions of past and present students could be impacted by it. Get all the details about this horrendous attack below.

TMX Finance Suffers a Breach Exposing Nearly 5 Million

TMX Finance and related companies are all involved in crisis loans and emergency lending programs. The companies handle financial data for a huge number of individuals throughout the United States, and the different individuals involved with the company could be at risk for this reason. We recently learned that TMX Finance suffered from a data breach that exposed data for nearly 5 million people. News of the breach was just released, but victims may have been exposed for months now.

Over 2.6 Million DuoLingo Customers Lose Data to Breach

DuoLingo is a massive language learning service that provides lessons to more than 74 million users around the world. The service offers short language lessons via a set of apps and is designed to help users learn new languages. Duolingo doesn't store a huge amount of information about its users, but it does have enough data on its users for it to be problematic if the information is lost.

Weekly Cybersecurity Recap August 25

Data breaches are quickly becoming one of the most damaging crimes committed today and one of the most common. Hackers are stealing valuable information from organizations at a rapidly growing rate, which means your data isn't safe for anyone. Major companies like Tesla, M&T Bank, and Duolingo were all hit by breaches this week, as well as Missouri Medicaid, the University of Missouri, and UMass Chan Medical School.

Over 95k M&T Bank Customers Lose Data in Recent Breach

M&T Bank was established in 1856 and is one of the largest banks in the US. It is based in Buffalo, New York, and currently has over 1,000 branches in 12 separate states. The bank houses data for hundreds of thousands of individuals, and some of that information may be at risk because of a recent breach. Learn all about the 2023 M&T Bank data breach below.

Data Breaches Involving Social Engineering Attacks Take Longer to Identify and Contain

Continuing coverage of IBM’s recently-released Cost of a Data Breach report, we focus on the impact attacks involving social engineering have on data breach costs. There are two reports every year that we cover on this blog that you should be reading – Verizon’s Data Breach Investigations Report and IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach report. Each of these reports has been published for years, providing insight into how the state of data breaches are changing.

Missouri's Medicaid Program and Mizzou Impacted By Recent Data Breaches

The state of Missouri's low-income Medicaid program through the Department of Social Services is responsible for offering medical insurance to Missourans in need. The program ensures that citizens have access to reliable healthcare with minimal costs to them. The University of Missouri, or Mizzou, is a public research institute that was founded in 1839 and serves as Missouri's largest university. Both of these programs were attacked in the recent MOVE-it data breach.

More than 134K UMass Chan Medical Students Suffer from Recent Breach

UMass Chan Medical School is a public medical school located in Worcester, Massachusetts. The school was founded in 1962 and is part of the University of Massachusetts college system. The school is one of the few medical school locations in the United States with FDA approval to manufacture vaccinations. It serves a small number of students but handles important tasks while offering highly specialized training to its students.

Two Tesla Employees Expose Confidential Company Data

Tesla, an Austin-Texas-based automaker specializing in electric vehicles, employs more than 127,000 workers worldwide today. The automaker has an annual revenue of 53.8 Billion USD and is a significant company that employees rely on to protect their data. Recently, two Tesla employees gave away information that resulted in a breach that could significantly impact workers.

Tennessee Employees Lose Their Data to Consolidated Retirement System Breach

The Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System is a retirement and benefits program administered to many full-time employees throughout the state. If you are an employee within the state of Tennessee, there's a good chance that your data is tied up in this system and that you're relying on the program administrators to protect your personal and financial information.