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Nokia Data Breach via Contractor Exposed on the Dark Web: Foresiet Researchers

In recent events, Foresiet researchers identified a significant data leak involving Nokia's internal resources posted on a dark web marketplace. This leak, allegedly stemming from a third-party contractor working closely with Nokia on internal tool development, brings to light both sensitive code repositories and critical access credentials.

What is a Time-based One-time Password (TOTP)?

Authentication is the process that verifies the user's identity to control access to resources, prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to the system, and record user activities (to hold them accountable for their activities). It is used to authenticate users who log on to a server, ensure that software comes from a reputable source, and ensure that the person sending the message is who he says he is.

Lessons from the Cisco Data Breach-The Importance of Comprehensive API Security

In the wake of Cisco’s recent data breach involving exposed API tokens - amongst other sensitive information - the cybersecurity community is reminded once again of the significant risks associated with unsecured APIs. Though Cisco has asserted that the damage was limited to a public-facing environment, such breaches demand a more cautious evaluation. Exposing sensitive information like API tokens, credentials, and even source code can have broader security implications than initially apparent.

Common Pitfalls in SOC 2 Compliance and How to Avoid Them

I'm going to show you how to avoid the most common pitfalls in SOC 2 compliance. You'll be able to streamline your compliance process, ...without the stress of failed audits, endless documentation revisions, or expensive delays that could jeopardize key contracts. Mastering these strategies gives you a competitive edge, allowing you to breeze through the SOC 2 audit while others struggle with costly mistakes and missed deadlines.

Corporate Fraud: Detection, Prevention, and the Role of Corporate Fraud Attorneys

The growing scale of organizations and the more opportunities to push the boundaries have led to an upsurge in corporate fraud in recent years. Fraud can be a deceptive action taken against a company or one carried out by the company. A company could commit fraud in many ways to improve its industry reputation and defend itself from audits. On the other side, a company may become a victim of financial statement fraud, asset theft, and corruption committed by its staff members.

Preventing Breaches Using Indicators of Compromise

The story of cybersecurity involves bad actors and security professionals constantly trying to thwart each other, often using newer and more advanced measures in an attempt to outdo each other. In recent years, especially, cybercriminals have evolved to include sophisticated technology and advanced tactics in their attacks.

What Is a Rainbow Table Attack and How to Prevent It?

Most computer systems and applications use passwords as a common authentication method. The simplest way to implement authentication is to store a list of all valid passwords for each user. The downside of this method is that if the list is compromised, the attacker will know all the user passwords. A more common approach is to store the cryptographic hash value of the password phrase.

It's 2024 and the API Breaches Keep Coming

APIs are built expressly to share a company’s most valuable data and services. This makes them a lucrative target for bad actors. We’ve already hit the tipping point — APIs are now THE way in. Salt Security’s 2024 State of API Security Report revealed that the count of APIs is increasing, having gone up by 167% in the past year. 95% of respondents have experienced security problems in production APIs, with 23% having experienced a breach.