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Arctic Wolf Acquires Habitu8 to Advance Security Awareness Training

Arctic Wolf’s acquisition of Habitu8 is a bold step forward in advancing security awareness training programs as attacks like phishing and credential theft continue to thrive. With 85% of attacks against organizations starting with human error, it’s perhaps not surprising that we continue to see low-quality, antiquated, and severely dated content recycled through organizations.

Adopt the "Beyonce Rule" for Scalable Impact

Recently, I started to read the invaluable book Software Engineering at Google. It’s a great book by Google, describing their engineering practices across many different domains. One of the first chapters discusses the matter of making a “scalable impact,” which I find very interesting, and something that I believe has been overlooked by many organizations.

Threat Hunting Like a Pro - With Automation

It’s no secret that cyber attacks are on the rise. Not only are they becoming more frequent, but the malicious actors who mount these attacks are constantly improving their skills and evolving the tools in their arsenals. Protecting your organization is challenging at best; especially since we measure the return on investment for cybersecurity as ‘preventing losses’ instead of ‘increasing revenue.’

Arctic Wolf's Global Survey Reveals Lack of Confidence in Cybersecurity Defenses and Government Action

After a year of high-profile cyberattacks and uncertainty caused by the extended pandemic, Arctic Wolf wanted to understand the impact this period has had on cybersecurity strategy and business overall. In August of this year, we commissioned a survey of over 1,400 senior I.T. decision-makers and business executives in the U.S., U.K., and Canada, and today we are publishing the results.

Why Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Shouldn't Build Their Own SOC

When smaller firms are hit by a cyberattack, the cost can be devastating. One out of four businesses with 50 or fewer employers report paying at least $10,000 to resolve an attack. And for organizations with fewer than 500 employees, insider incidents alone cost an average of $7.68 million, according to the Ponemon Institute's 2020 Cost of Insider Threats report.

Discover How the Arctic Wolf Platform Facilitates HIPAA Compliance

For healthcare organizations, cybersecurity isn’t just about staying safe and protected from evolving cyber threats—it’s also about staying compliant. The most well-known healthcare regulation of them all is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which recently celebrated 25 years on the books.

Sumo Logic brings full coverage to modern IT and SecOps workflows with ServiceNow

Modern, digital-first businesses rely on agile, optimized IT and security operations teams to effectively monitor and secure their complex applications, infrastructure and workflows that ultimately drive increased productivity and improved user experiences. Implementing a high-performance, end-to-end process to achieve these positive outcomes can be challenging as it oftentimes requires combining multiple data silos and technologies for different teams with contrasting roles and responsibilities.
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Automated Threat Intelligence: An Overview

SecOps and security teams spend an excessive amount of time sifting through low-value, poorly-contextualized alarm data rather than actively hunting for valid threats. This is because bad actors are constantly looking to steal whatever they can hold onto with the least exposure. Recent ransomware attacks in critical business sectors only serve as reminders that organizations cannot lie dormant. This blog post will unpack strategies to help overcome these challenges and explain why integrating threat intelligence with security orchestration and automation is critical for an effective security operations strategy.