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Building a Superstar SOC with Automation and Standardization

When you have a team of security analysts that have a wide range of expertise, knowledge, and experience, it is natural to see the difference in the quality of work performed. One of the biggest challenges that security operation managers face when auditing the work performed is that some team members may execute different steps at different levels of rigor when investigating and remediating threats.

Stories from the SOC - Beaconing Activity

Beaconing analysis is one of the most effective methods for threat hunting on your network. In the world of malware, beaconing is the act of sending regular communications from an infected host to an attacker-controlled host to communicate that the infected host malware is alive and ready for instructions. It is often one of the first indications of a botnet malware infection, so it’s important to spot the beaconing behavior before the infected host can expose data or launch an attack.

From the SecOps Kitchen: Why Operators of Essentials Services Need to Prepare Now

Hey there, The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) has recently published its NIS Investment report - a survey conducted on European organisations identified as Operator of Essentials Services (OES) and Digital Service Providers (DSP).

Security operations center, Part 2: Life of a SOC analyst

In the first part of this blog series, we saw a brief overview of what a security operations center (SOC) is and how it operates. In this part, we’ll take a look at the typical activities that SOC analysts carry out every day to protect their organization from constantly evolving cyber threats and the skill sets that come in handy in effectively carrying out their duties.

The Third Critical Step to Building the Modern SOC

The new Devo eBook, Building the Modern SOC, presents four evolutionary steps for creating a highly automated and efficient security operations center (SOC) that empowers analysts. This is the third in a series of posts highlighting the most important elements of the four steps. Previous posts covered Step 1, establishing a foundation of centralized, scalable visibility, and Step 2, extracting intelligent insights from your data.

Cyber Security Explained: What is a Security Operation Centre (SOC)?

Effective cyber security management requires a careful combination of technology, intelligence and expertise. A Security Operations Centre (SOC) is an effective way to strike this balance, providing the full capabilities needed to detect and respond to threats, 24/7/365.

The First Critical Step to Building the Modern SOC

The new Devo eBook, Building the Modern SOC, presents four evolutionary steps for creating a highly automated and efficient security operations center (SOC) that empowers analysts. This is the first in a series of blog posts that will introduce the four steps and highlight some of the most important concepts.

3 Ways SOC Automation Can Reduce Analyst Burnout

The 2020 Devo SOC Performance ReportTM presents security professionals’ responses to a variety of survey questions related to people, processes, and technologies within their security operations center (SOC). One of the more interesting topics in the report is the role security automation technologies can play in improving SOC performance and alleviating analyst stress caused by overwork and performing repetitive, mind-numbing tasks, which can lead to analyst burnout.

Introducing Advanced Analytics

Every organization is adopting the cloud, but there are some companies that are reaping a larger number of benefits from cloud transformation than others. Making an effort to adopt the cloud is simply not enough to realize the benefits. The organization that prepares for efficiently managing risk will be able to capture a larger percentage of the benefits than one that has not.