Automation is like running a marathon. It sounds like a great and noble pursuit until you actually go out and start pursuing it. At that point, it's easy to fail if you don't prepare yourself ahead of time for the challenges that are inherent to the process. Indeed, although automation can provide a number of awesome benefits, whether you actually reap those benefits depends on how easy it is to implement and manage automation tools. And, as many teams discover, doing these things may be harder than it often seems.
“Automation” and “orchestration” are terms that frequently appear within the same sentence – which is unsurprising, because they are closely related. In fact, they’re so similar in meaning that it can be easy to confuse their meanings or assume that there is basically no real difference between security automation and orchestration. But, as with many concepts in the world of IT and security (“observability” vs.
For its 25th year, Black Hat USA presented a “unique hybrid event experience, offering the cybersecurity community a choice in how they wish to participate” virtually or in person. It was a jam-packed four days of trainings, conferences, briefings, special events, and cybersecurity solutions.