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Introducing Devo Activeboards: A New Way to Visualize Machine Data

The data visualization space is crowded. There are lots of tools, each purporting to be the tool that solves your data woes and leads you to insight via illustrations. But while you may get good-looking graphs, you are probably not seeing the behind-the-scenes pain from IT: analytics dashboards and vertical applications take multiple meetings for gathering requirements, and they discover the direction wasn’t quite right the first time around.

SOAR with AT&T Cybersecurity and Dark Reading

Watch the full video on our site. If you prefer reading, here’s the full transcript Terry Sweeney - Contributing Editor, Dark Reading Sanjay Ramnath - Associate Vice President, Product Marketing, AT&T Cybersecurity Terry Sweeney: Welcome back to the Dark Reading News Desk. We’re here at the RSA Conference in San Francisco.

Countdown to CCPA: 5 Questions You Need to Ask

The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, known as CCPA, is a data privacy law aimed at protecting the personal information of California consumers. Frequently compared to the UK’s expansive GDPR, CCPA will have a big impact on how companies collect, store, and process personal information of California consumers.

Notable Ransomware Attacks from 2019 and Lessons Learned

“We have your precious data! Pay us or lose it forever!” This is a message no organization or individual ever wants to see. Nevertheless, given trends over time in cyber security, ransomware remains a concern for many organizations. Here is a look at interesting examples of successful ransomware attacks and some lessons we can learn from each.

Practical security recommendations - for you and your business

Cybercrime is costing UK businesses billions each and every year. Small businesses in particular are under threat, as they often take a more relaxed approach and a ‘not much to steal’ mindset. However, this lack of diligence has caused many companies to close permanently. Let’s ensure yours isn’t one of them. Time to start making the issue a priority! Here are some practical security recommendations for you and your business.

Adding to the Toolkit - Some Useful Tools for Cloud Security

With more business applications moving to the cloud, the ability to assess network behavior has changed from a primarily systems administration function to a daily security operations concern. And whilst sec-ops teams are already familiar with firewall and network device log tools, these can be of limited used in a “cloud first” business where much of the good traffic that occurs is hard to distinguish from potentially risky traffic.

Climbing the Vulnerability Management Mountain

The purpose of this series of blogs is to guide you on your journey up the Vulnerability Management Mountain (VMM). Like climbing a mountain, there is a lot of planning and work required, but when you get to the top, the view is amazing and well worth the journey. Your progress will depend on your funding and priorities, but climbing at a quick steady pace will help secure your environment.

Weekly Cyber Security News 14/06/2019

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. Privacy is understandably a concern for all, and for those that are not that bothered and opt-in to give it away, I’m sure they assume it is for monitoring of their activities online. However, in this enterprising case, it appears to go beyond the virtual to physical and not where you would suspect…