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Mastering AWS Disaster Recovery: Strategies for Cloud Resilience

February 21, 2024 | By Ryan Felkel Amidst the growing shift towards cloud adoption and reliance, ensuring the resilience of your cloud infrastructure is paramount. With Amazon Web Services (AWS) serving as a cornerstone of many organizations’ cloud strategies, mastering disaster recovery within the AWS ecosystem is essential.

Preventing Heartbreak with Resilience as a Service

Happy Valentines Day! While many today will celebrate the love in their lives, we wanted to take a moment to focus on ways you can prevent heartbreak within your organization. As businesses continue to evolve across the IT landscape, the cybersecurity threats continue to grow as well – whether from human error or bad actors outside of your organization, it is crucial to eliminate gaps that leave your organization vulnerable.

Cost-Effective Disaster Recovery for Wasabi and Veeam

In the IT industry, downtime is typically estimated at approximately $5,600 per minute, posing a significant threat to revenue, customer trust, and compliance. For SMBs, safeguarding data and ensuring business continuity are paramount for survival and competitiveness. A robust disaster recovery (DR) solution not only protects against threats like cyberattacks and hardware failures but also minimizes downtime, demonstrating reliability to customers and partners.

Data Warehousing: Finding the Right Fit for Your Business

Businesses today are generating vast amounts of data every hour, and harnessing this information strategically is crucial for making informed decisions. Data warehousing plays a pivotal role in this process, providing a centralized repository for organizing, storing, and analyzing data. With a plethora of tools available, it can be difficult to determine which solution is best for you.

Safeguarding Data in the Digital Era

Each year, the National Cybersecurity Alliance celebrates Data Privacy Week to emphasize the importance of safeguarding personal data. As companies continue to focus on their organization’s digital transformation, it enables them to collect more personal information about individuals that use their services. Let’s face it, your online activity including apps on your phone are collecting an endless amount of data about you.

Ensuring Microsoft 365 Data Security and Compliance with Veeam

As of 2023, Microsoft Office 365 is utilized by over a million companies globally, according to a recent Statista report. It has become an indispensable tool for organizations as they adapt to hybrid workforces and a global economy, leveraging its collaborative power and the need for a robust data protection strategy. At the core of Microsoft 365’s security framework lies the Shared Responsibility Model, delineating the responsibilities of Microsoft and organizations using their services.

3 Tips for Cost Optimization With AWS

As many companies begin to explore the vast capabilities of the public cloud ecosystem, one obstacle continues to be of extreme importance: Cost Optimization. The cloud itself was built for scalability and convenience, but when the most advanced options for your infrastructure can be set up with the touch of a button, a cost friendly migration and ongoing strategy to keep your cloud footprint within budget are key.

Cybersecurity Threat Survival in 2024

Dealing with cybersecurity threats has become a constant challenge for organizations and tech professionals. The landscape is evolving, with cybercriminals employing increasingly sophisticated tactics. As we step into 2024, a year marked by economic uncertainty, staff layoffs, and the aftermath of widespread hybrid and remote work adoption, cyber threats are poised to exploit vulnerabilities within organizations.

4 Best Practices to Guarantee Successful AWS Migration

Successful AWS migration takes more than simply choosing to migrate. It’s a journey, and you need to be confident in your choice to upend your existing on-premise workflows to align with your business’s future. The fundamental process around a migration strategy includes understanding the benefits of a new system, assessing gaps in your existing system, migration planning, and ultimately the actual migration aspect.