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Password Stealers Aren't Letting up Any Time Soon

Password security has always been a challenge. Brute force attacks are constantly getting more powerful, but they aren’t the only threat you have to worry about. A range of password stealing malware continues to grow in popularity. One example, Agent Tesla, has seen its detection rate grow 100% in just three months, according to data from LastLine. Despite this rapid growth, Agent Tesla is far from the most popular.

Weekly Cyber Security News 07/12/2018

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. I don’t often play games, and until this issue below appeared on my feed due to the self inflicted data breach I was blissfully unaware. Apart from the horrific appearing customer service, the breach is deeply unfortunate. What can we learn from it? Perhaps when under a lot of stress make sure you configure (was it a thread configuration issue or bug?) anything customer facing correctly.

All I Want for Christmas... Is a New SSL Certificate

On Thursday 6th December, 2018, I realized how dependent I was on my mobile phone having an internet connection. That particular day, I was out and about away from Wi-Fi networks. The first time I noticed I had no connectivity was when I used my phone to check if my train was on time. As I got close to London, I realized I was not the only person who did not have data services on their devices, as I overheard a few people commenting on no connectivity.

Security Orchestration Use Case: Curtailing Phishing Attacks

Phishing is the bad act of luring users to visit the malicious websites that apparently seems legitimate. The purpose of phishing is to trick users into revealing sensitive and personal information such as usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, and so forth. More often, threat actors carry out phishing attacks by sending suspicious links or attachments through Emails and social media websites.

Office 365 Email Security - The Hidden Costs

You’ve made the big decision to migrate to Microsoft Office 365. Its array of cloud collaboration makes this a great decision. Yet at the same time, Microsoft is also pitching Office 365 as a way to consolidate your security, compliance, and e-discovery platforms. It is promising advanced threat protection, data protection, and an online archive that’s all about privacy and meeting robust data-retention requirements. And it’s all included. How can you turn down that offer?

From Paper to Protected With Optical Character Recognition

For many organizations, the transition to paperless systems is fraught with operational challenges. The difficulty is not so much with the deployment and adoption of digital tools, but rather with converting piles of paper into usable data. The first step in this process is high-volume document scanning; turning the physical stuff digital. Next, it’s time to make sense of the image captures.

Our Recap of AWS re:Invent 2018

Who else had as much fun as we did at re:Invent 2018? I hope everyone is now home, rested, and going through everything they’ve learned while at the show – I know I learned a ton! The best part of being at a conference like re:Invent is hearing firsthand from practitioners how they are using technology to solve their business challenges.