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Why Cybersecurity Experts Are Being Recruited Left and Right

Once upon a time, businesses needed to take light cybersecurity precautions to ward off amateur hackers. A business owner may have recruited their tech-savvy nephew to protect their system, barely worrying about the risk. Today, the world of cybersecurity has done a 180 — it’s now a top concern for businesses. As businesses swiftly adapt to the changing digital environment, new technology means more cybersecurity concerns.

Top 7 Healthcare Cybersecurity Frameworks

Today, the healthcare industry has become prone to cyber-attacks, just like in any other sector. One notable fact within all those fields is the similarities in existing as well as emerging threats. At the same time, there is an increasing need for organizations to reassure their customers and regulators that their networks and systems have incorporated adequate security measures. One way of achieving this goal includes complying with various recognized security standards and frameworks.

CISOs Ultimate Guide For Top 30 Security Control Frameworks - 2019

Companies in highly regulated industries are forced to adopt one or more frameworks in order to meet compliance initiatives. There are over 200 security frameworks, regulations, standards and guidelines to choose from that could impact your business at any given time. In no particular order, below are the top security controls frameworks that are pervasive throughout our security industry along with some unique facts about each framework.

Navigating Network Services and Policy With Helm

Deploying an application on Kubernetes can require a number of related deployment artifacts or spec files: Deployment, Service, PVCs, ConfigMaps, Service Account — to name just a few. Managing all of these resources and relating them to deployed apps can be challenging, especially when it comes to tracking changes and updates to the deployed application (actual state) and its original source (authorized or desired state).

What Is an Insider Threat and the 5 Things You Should Know?

Gone are the days when our greatest inklings of insider threats were employees who never wanted to take vacation and did everything to avoid letting others see the financial records they were maintaining. Today, insider threats come in a concerning variety of forms with consequences often exceeding millions of dollars. As time passes, more industries than ever before are feeling the sting of security incidents and breaches stemming from their very own trusted employees and partners.