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How I Found Myself in a Command Line vs. GUI Meeting

“Ev, do you have time later today to discuss the new web GUI for the command line terminal?” said the Slack message. It came from Alex, our user experience chief and the product in question is the SSH client. Part of me was worried. The command line environment had a sanctuary where I found peace and happiness away from the world of browser-based tools.

Drovorub "Taking systems to the wood chipper" - What you need to know

On August 15th the NSA and FBI published a joint security alert containing details about a previously undisclosed Russian malware. The agencies say that the Linux strain malware has been developed and deployed in real-world attacks by Russian military hackers.

Security operations: Cloud monitoring and detection with Elastic Security

As many organizations have migrated their infrastructure, applications, and data to cloud offerings, adversaries have extended their operational capabilities in cloud environments to achieve their mission — whether that means stealing intellectual property, disrupting business operations, or holding an organization’s data for ransom.

Introduction to Windows tokens for security practitioners

This blog series is aimed at giving defense practitioners a thorough understanding of Windows access tokens for the purposes of detection engineering. Here in Part 1, we'll cover key concepts in Windows Security. The desired outcome is to help defenders understand how access tokens work in Windows environments.

How to check the effectiveness of phishing

You can install the latest generation of security software to protect against evil hackers, but what is the use of it if your employees continue to follow phishing links? Several security companies conduct social and technical research of real-life phishing attacks aimed at different businesses and are impressed with the scale of the problem.

User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) explained

User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) is an area of cybersecurity that focuses on analyzing activity – specifically user behavior, device usage, and security events ­– within your network environment to help companies detect potential insider threats and compromised accounts. While the concept has been around for some time, it was first defined in detail by Gartner in 2015 in its Market Guide for User and Entity Analytics.

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) explained

This blog was written by a third party author In today’s ever-changing cybersecurity landscape, Zero Trust is here to stay. Before the concept of Zero Trust was well known, organizations followed the belief that anything within the network is trusted, and anything outside of it is untrusted. Zero trust is built on the idea that all traffic, whether incoming or outgoing, should be inspected, regardless of the source.

Tracking COVID-19's Effect on Remote Working by Industry and Geography

The COVID-19 pandemic caused an abrupt and dramatic shift to remote work that has lasted five months so far and is expected to continue into 2021 as companies like Google have extended their work from home policies through July 2021. In this blog, we examine how geography and industry effect who works remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Snail Mail With a Privacy Twist

A friend of mine received an interesting piece of snail mail the other day. It was one of those inheritance scam letters that usually arrive in E-Mail. In summary, the author, a high-ranking bank official, has an unclaimed inheritance that he is willing to split with the letter’s recipient if the recipient will accept the responsibility of being appointed as the heir to the deceased’s money, etcetera, etcetera. As you can see, it bears all the earmarks of the traditional scam message.