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Going Beyond Network Detection and Response Tools

Are most network detection and response tools missing something? We think so. Network detection and response (NDR) is an incredible technology. With it, you can analyse network packets for malicious behaviour, spot insider threats, and even find connected devices you don’t own. However, if you want to implement NDR in your environment, you typically need to install proprietary hardware or run your NDR on a dedicated server.

Identity Theft: What It Is, How To Prevent It, and Why It's Terrible

Identity theft is one of the things you never expect to happen to you until it does. The scariest part is not the theft itself but what follows after. Victims of identity theft don't often discover their financial, reputational, and bureaucratic lives are destroyed until long after the crime was committed. This delay makes it extremely difficult for authorities to investigate identity theft cases.

Choosing Attack Surface Visibility Software in 2024

There’s one major between organizations that fall victim to a data breach and those that don’t - attack surface awareness. Even between those who have implemented an attack surface management solution and those who haven’t, the more successful the cybersecurity programs more likely to defend against a greater scope of cyber threats are those with greater attack surface visibility.

NIS2 Compliance Checklist (Free)

In January 2023, the European Commission (EC) released an updated version of the European Union (EU) Network and Information Security Directive (NIS2) to strengthen cybersecurity risk management across Europe’s essential services. NIS2 updates the original NIS directive and focuses more on regulations for cloud infrastructure, internet exchanges, domain service providers, and digital service providers.

Cisco Duo Third-Party Compromise

On April 16, 2024, Cisco Duo informed affected customers of a breach involving their SMS and VOIP multi-factor authentication (MFA) service provider. The breach occurred on April 1st due to a phishing attack, allowing unauthorized access to the provider’s systems, including SMS and VoIP MFA message logs for specific Duo accounts between March 1st and March 31st, 2024. Though the threat actor accessed message logs, they did not obtain message content.
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How threat intelligence can improve vulnerability management outcomes

It might surprise you to know that more than 70 new vulnerabilities are published every day. And despite their risk-reducing value in helping SOC teams address these, vulnerability management solutions have drawbacks. Often, they only provide a snapshot of an organization's vulnerabilities at a point in time. In fact, owing to their nature, vulnerabilities identified today may not exist tomorrow, or they may appear and disappear intermittently. This leaves security teams scrambling to understand not only what the risk is, but how it affects them and where they should start first with any remediation.

7 Steps to ensure compliance with the CJIS security policy

A high-profile case hangs in the balance. Suddenly, court systems are paralyzed. Evidence is locked away, replaced by a ransom demand. Every law enforcement agency’s nightmare is alarmingly common – 96% of organizations were hit by ransomware in the past year, according to Cisco’s 2023 report. Exposed API keys, forgotten cloud configurations, outdated systems – these seemingly small vulnerabilities are the entry points relentless cybercriminals exploit.