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July 2024

The Hidden Dangers: A Guide to Mobile Security Threats

Mobile technology has changed how government employees work, and hackers have noticed. Mobile-specific threats are on the rise, with hackers often using mobile devices as a backdoor into the agency’s enterprise network. This video, based on a recent mobile threat report by Lookout, highlights four types of mobile threats that agencies need to be aware of, and offers tips for reducing risk.

What is API Security for Mobile Apps? Why Is It Important?

Businesses have gone mobile-first, and with good reason—people are spending more time and more money on their phones than ever before. For instance, in 2023, an estimated 66% or 2/3rds of all online orders were made from mobile devices. And in 2024, businesses are expected to spend $402 billion on mobile advertising. Mobile apps have become the first choice for users for their online activities in banking, e-commerce, media streaming, social media, etc.

How To Check Your iPhone for Viruses

You can check your iPhone for viruses by checking for unfamiliar apps, seeing if your data usage has spiked, seeing an unusual number of pop-up ads and noticing if specific apps are draining your battery. A virus is a type of malicious software that can infect any device, like your iPhone, and then replicate itself on your device’s programs or files.

Post iOS Jailbreak Customization: Exploring iOS Tweaks & Private APIs

If you have ever jailbroken an iOS device, you have likely encountered many things that we will discuss today. Let's start with one of the most commonly used terms that gets thrown around: iOS tweaks. There are plenty of them out there, depending on the needs - whether for fun or profit, simple or complex - ranging from making your lock screen look fancy to running your banking app on a jailbroken device.

Privacy vs. Mobile Security: Why MSPs Don't Have to Choose

When it comes to how employees get work done, personal devices are an ever-growing part of the equation. The 2023 Lookout State of Remote Work Security Report found that 92% of remote workers have performed work tasks on their personal mobile devices. While putting security controls on employer-owned devices is a no-brainer, the increasing overlap of personal with professional means that organizations need to think about how to secure employee-owned devices that are being used for work.

Security Made Easy: Mobile Security Purpose-Built for MSPs

Mobile devices are now an integral part of the way we work, and because of that, mobile security has become a necessity when it comes to protecting an organization’s data. Yet with many IT and security teams already stretched to the limit, the task of incorporating mobile security into their existing operations may seem like an impossible task.

Effectively Prevent Unmanaged Mobile Devices From Accessing Your Organizational Services

Mobile devices have become so integral to both business and personal lives that it is difficult to imagine a life without them. There’s more attack surface area as a result, and it’s IT’s job to mitigate the risk of cyberattacks. Insider threats are often involved, because employees and their devices can be one of the weakest links in the security chain.

Why Is Manual Testing a Thing of the Past?

Before end-to-end (E2E) testing frameworks, the software development industry struggled with fragmented and inefficient testing methods. Testing was manual, labor-intensive, and prone to human error, which limited testing coverage and left many critical issues undetected until later stages of development. This manual approach relied heavily on developers and testers executing test cases by hand, leading to substantial inefficiencies and incomplete test coverage.

How To Protect Your Data if Your Phone Is Lost or Stolen

If your phone is ever lost or stolen, your data could be at risk of being compromised. One of the main ways your stored data could be in danger is if you have a weak passcode, such as 0000 or 1234. If the person who found or stole your phone could guess your passcode, your data would become compromised. Read below to learn more about how to protect your phone when it’s lost or stolen and how to keep your phone’s data safe.

A Complete Overview of Binary-Based SAST

Zimperium's Global Mobile Threat Report found that unique mobile malware samples grew by 51% in 2022. According to Anne Neuberger, the US Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technologies, the annual average cost of cybercrime will reach over $23 trillion in 2027. The threat landscape and the cost of ignoring security are increasing. It is no longer advisable to just be reactive but proactive in maintaining the security of mobile devices.

Can My iPhone Get a Virus?

Yes, your iPhone can get viruses. However, it is uncommon for iPhones to get viruses due to the nature of Apple’s iPhone Operating System (iOS). Because iPhone users are only able to download apps from the App Store, this makes it much harder for hackers to infect their devices. Having a jailbroken iPhone would make you more susceptible to getting infected with viruses because you could download unauthorized apps outside of the App Store.