Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2022

Remediating Incidents with GitGuardian

Unfortunately, sometimes secrets get hard coded, committed, and pushed to your shared repositories. Do you know what to do when an incident occurs? In this high-level overview, we will walk you through the incident remediation process while leveraging the GitGuardian internal monitoring platform. This video covers: Definitions How to prioritize incidents How to investigate incidents and finally, an overview of the needed steps to remedy issues

5 Things to Know About Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR)

Trustwave SpiderLabs is among the most well-respected teams in the cybersecurity industry, having gained a reputation for conducting cutting-edge research, plying the foggy corners of the darkweb for information, and detecting and hunting down threats. What is less well known is how Trustwave's SpiderLabs' various teams' function and then pull together to create the formidable force that is the backbone of all Trustwave's offerings.

GitGuardian Playbooks Overview

GitGuardian Playbooks allow you to quickly and easily automate your incident responses. GitGuardian is proud to offer 3 different playbooks designed to get your team involved in remediating incidents: We would be happy to work with you to create custom playbooks as well. Don't hesitate to reach out to us at

What Is an Incident Response Plan?

An incident response plan assigns responsibilities and lists procedures to follow if an event such as a breach were to occur. Having a plan put in place to handle cybersecurity incidents at your business can aid your business in identifying when a cyberattack is taking place, how to clean up the mess that an attack leaves and prevent an attack from happening again. Read on to learn why an incident response plan is needed, incidents that require response plans and more.