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October 2024

Top 5 SAST Auto-fixing Tools and How They Compare

7 hours. That’s how long, on average, a developer takes to remediate a security issue in their code. Vulnerability detection is improving rapidly and scaling, but remediating security risks is still a tedious, time-consuming process that takes developers away from their core work. And now, with AI-generated code introducing vulnerabilities at greater speed and volume than ever before, remediation is taking even more time.

Understanding, detecting, and fixing buffer overflows: a critical software security threat

Buffer overflows are one of the oldest and most dangerous vulnerabilities in software security. A heap buffer overflow was the second most exploited vulnerability in 2023. Over the years, it has enabled countless attacks, often with severe consequences, such as Cloudbleed in 2017. Despite advances in security practices, buffer overflows continue to pose significant risks, especially in software written in low-level languages like C and C++.

Top 10 Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Tools in 2025

Imagine you’re all prepared to roll out your latest feature, and suddenly, right before launch, you discover a security vulnerability concealed in your code. Depending on the severity, developers can spend anywhere from 7 hours to days or even months finding and fixing these vulnerabilities. A critical vulnerability could set your release back by weeks, while a simple fix might take a day.

Don't Treat DAST Like Dessert

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), sometimes referred to as “pentesting in a box”, tests running code for a variety of issues that can’t easily be found by analyzing code with static scanning tools. DAST tools are platform and language agnostic—as long as you have a website or API they can connect to, they’ll get the job done, and find real vulnerabilities in the same places an attacker would.

How to detect more bugs in AUTOSAR Applications and enable SiL testing by using a simulator

Testing Classic AUTOSAR applications has long been a significant challenge due to the reliance on hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) setups, which are costly, complex, and hard to scale. Code Intelligence’s new lightweight AUTOSAR simulator revolutionizes this process by enabling entire AUTOSAR applications to run on x86 Linux systems, thus facilitating software-in-the-loop (SiL) testing.