Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2024

Securing the Gateway - Mastering API Security in the Modern Web Landscape

APIs are the backbone of modern web applications, yet we rarely assess security beyond the traditional WAFs and Gateways. In fact, in a recent scan of over 1.5k GraphQL endpoints revealed a staggering 46,000+ security issues and sensitive data leaks—all accessible without authentication, with 10% classified as critical. Due to API’s being widely used by developers, they have now become a favored attack vector for threat actors.

GitGuardian Honeytoken For Peace Of Mind

GitGuardian Honeytokens can help you stay safe as you tackle secrets sprawl at scale. Deploying GitGuardian honeytokens into all of your repositories will give you an immediate warning system, letting you know when someone scans your repos or if they they get leaked onto the public internet. Dealing with a large number of incidents is already challenging enough, Use GitGuardian honeytokens to buy some peace of mind while you work to eliminate secrets sprawl.

What is SCA (Software Composition Analysis) software?

SCA or Software Composition Analysis is an important security tool that helps you understand how your application is made up. Our software is built from open-source components and these components can have vulnerabilities or simply be malicious. SCA scans our applications to identify these components and lets us know if there are vulnerabilities or issues within it. In this short video we explain what SCA tools are and how they work as well as there role in application and cyber security.

Store API keys and other secrets securely in python using env variables

In this Tech Tip Tuesday video we share how to securely store secrets like API keys or other credentials environment variables. To do this we use the python dotenv project to store secrets in a.env file and load them into local memory. Subscribe for more tech tips, on Tuesdays and other days.

What is DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) 60 sec explainer

Discover the Power of DAST in Cybersecurity | Dynamic Application Security Testing Explained In the digital age, cyber threats are a constant concern. Protecting your organization's data and systems is paramount, and that's where DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) comes into play!

Fast food restaurants hacked simultaneously - Breach breakdown

The video based on this article discusses a cybersecurity researcher's experience in uncovering a major security flaw in an AI-based hiring system called, which provides services to numerous fast-food chains and hourly employers across the United States, including popular names like Applebees, Arbys, Chickfila, Dunkin, IHOP, KFC, Shoneys, Subway, Tacobell, Target, and Wendys. The researcher's investigation was triggered by their suspicion that many startups using Firebase, particularly those with top-level domain, may have exposed credentials.

What is SAST? Static Application Security Testing explained in 60 seconds

Discover the world of Static Application Security Testing (SAST) in this concise video. SAST, which stands for Static Application Security Testing, is an essential security tool that examines your source code for potential vulnerabilities. Unlike dynamic tools, SAST operates solely on your code, making it a static analysis tool.

Guardian Goofs: Signs Your Developers Are Leaking Secrets

Welcome to 2024 and a new monthly feature here at GitGuardian, a comic strip called "Guardian Goofs." If you like it, please show it some love by hitting one of those "share" links below it. And check back on the first Thursday of each month for the newest "Goof." Share this article on Twitter, HackerNews, LinkedIn, or Reddit.