Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2023

Hello CISO - Episode 11 - Part 1: Hiring Top Tier Security Professionals

Hiring can be more art than science. What should you look for when hiring security professionals? How important are degrees and certifications, really? In this episode, Troy breaks down how to spot the brightest talent. Hello CISO is a collaboration between Troy Hunt and the people who build the world's most trusted enterprise password manager.

Hello CISO - Episode 10: The CISO Regulation Minefield

You can’t undertake every compliance initiative under the sun, so how do you prioritize? Talk to the right people, understand the ripple effects of each initiative, and know which will harm and which will strengthen security. Hello CISO is a collaboration between Troy Hunt and the people who build the world's most trusted enterprise password manager.

Random but Memorable - Episode 10.3: Ransomware Hunting Team Emergency

On today's show we shine a spotlight on an incredible real-life technological thriller, as we invite Renee Dudley and Dan Golden to discuss their new book: The Ransomware Hunting Team: A Band of Misfits' Improbable Crusade to Save the World from Cybercrime.

Hello CISO - Episode 9: Practicing Good Breach Response

What makes a company successful at breach response? In a word, preparation. In this episode, Troy breaks down an historically bad example of breach response, and how to avoid a similar fate. Hello CISO is a collaboration between Troy Hunt and the people who build the world's most trusted enterprise password manager.

Passkeys and the future of authentication: Q&A with Andrew Shikiar, CMO of FIDO Alliance

What are passkeys? How do they fit into a passwordless future? Why is user experience the key to adoption for passwordless? These are just a few of the questions people have for the FIDO Alliance – an open industry association that wants to reduce the world’s reliance on passwords.