Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

April 2023

What is DLP and How Does It Work

Data loss prevention, or DLP for short, is a technology that helps companies protect their data from unauthorized access or theft. It does this by scanning all incoming and outgoing data for sensitive information and then preventing that data from leaving the company's network. In this blog post, we will discuss what DLP is and how it works!

Becoming a Victim of Accidental Plagiarism? Tips to avoid

Writing content for any purpose is not easy for anyone. Whether you are working on an academic assignment or web content, it should tick multiple boxes. Starting from proper grammar, if your content lacks correct grammar, it will be difficult for readers to understand. Similarly, your content should not include vague sentences and punctuation mistakes. Finally, the content should be clear and meaningful to ensure credibility, with properly researched facts, figures, and statistics.

Security Measures for a Dedicated Server for Video Streaming

When it comes to video streaming, security should be a top priority. A dedicated server provides the necessary resources and control to host a video streaming website, but it also comes with a greater responsibility for ensuring security. In this article, we will discuss the various security measures that you should take for a dedicated server for video streaming.