What is DLP and How Does It Work

What is DLP and How Does It Work

Data loss prevention, or DLP for short, is a technology that helps companies protect their data from unauthorized access or theft. It does this by scanning all incoming and outgoing data for sensitive information and then preventing that data from leaving the company's network. In this blog post, we will discuss what DLP is and how it works! 

What Does DLP Protect? 

Most companies have a lot of sensitive data that they need to protect, such as customer information, financial data, and trade secrets. This data is often stored in databases or other computer systems that are connected to the internet. Hackers can gain access to this data if they can penetrate the company's network. 

DLP protects companies from data breaches by scanning all incoming and outgoing data for sensitive information. If it detects that sensitive data is trying to leave the network, it will block it from being sent. This prevents hackers from stealing the data or using it to commit fraud. 

How Does DLP Work? 

DLP works by scanning all of the data that is being sent in and out of the company's network. It looks for sensitive information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and bank account numbers. If it finds this type of information, it will block the data from being sent outside of the company's network. 

It does this by looking for patterns in the data that are indicative of sensitive information. For example, it may look for a credit card number that is 16 digits long. It may also look for strings of numbers that match the pattern of a social security number. 

Once DLP has been configured, it will need to be monitored on an ongoing basis. This is because new types of sensitive data may be created, and new patterns may emerge that indicate sensitive information. DLP needs to be constantly updated to ensure that it can protect the company's data. 

DLP is a powerful tool that can help companies protect their sensitive data from being stolen or leaked. It is important to configure DLP properly and monitor it on an ongoing basis to ensure that it is effective. 

Why Is DLP Important? 

DLP is an important tool for companies to use to protect their data. It is important to note, however, that DLP is not a perfect solution. Hackers can still find ways to bypass DLP and access sensitive data. That is why it's important to have other security measures such as VPNs. 

VPN can supplement DLP by encrypting all of the data that is sent over the internet, making it much more difficult for hackers to access. Additionally, DLP can sometimes block legitimate data from being sent out of the company's network. This can cause problems for companies that need to share data with their partners or clients. 

Common Mistakes When Using DLP Systems 

There are a few common mistakes that companies make when using DLP systems. One of the most common mistakes is not properly configuring the system. This can cause the system to either block legitimate data from being sent out or allow sensitive data to be leaked. 

Another common mistake is not monitoring the system on an ongoing basis. As mentioned earlier, DLP needs to be constantly updated to ensure that it can protect the company's data. If the system is not monitored, it may miss new patterns that indicate sensitive information. 

Finally, some companies try to use DLP as their only security measure. As we mentioned before, DLP is not a perfect solution and should be used in conjunction with other security measures such as VPNs. 

If you are considering using DLP to protect your company's data, make sure you avoid these common mistakes! 

When done correctly, Data Loss Prevention systems can be a powerful tool for protecting your company's data. Make sure you configure the system properly and monitor it on an ongoing basis to avoid common mistakes. 


Overall, DLP is a useful technology for organizations to use to safeguard their data. While it isn't flawless, it may assist firms in keeping valuable information safe from hackers. If you are concerned about the security of your company's data, you may want to consider implementing DLP. You can find a DLP solution that meets the specific needs of your organization.