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Application Programming Interface (API) testing for PCI DSS compliance

This is the fourth blog in the series focused on PCI DSS, written by an AT&T Cybersecurity consultant. See the first blog relating to IAM and PCI DSS here. See the second blog on PCI DSS reporting details to ensure when contracting quarterly CDE tests here. The third blog on network and data flow diagrams for PCI DSS compliance is here.

What is DLP and How Does It Work

Data loss prevention, or DLP for short, is a technology that helps companies protect their data from unauthorized access or theft. It does this by scanning all incoming and outgoing data for sensitive information and then preventing that data from leaving the company's network. In this blog post, we will discuss what DLP is and how it works!

How 5G Technology Affects Cybersecurity: Looking to the Future

5G refers to the 5th generation of mobile phone wireless network capability. It has captured attention and excitement because of its ability to connect people, objects, and devices more frequently and seamlessly than ever, along with its higher network speeds, extremely low latency, and more reliable network performance. It is relatively early in its evolution, but forecasts predict there will be more than 3.5 billion 5G connections worldwide by 2025.

Cloud security 101: Understanding and defending your cloud infrastructure

Many organizations have either been formed in, or have migrated to cloud-based environments due to the efficiency, flexibility, mobility, cost savings, and other benefits. The majority of applications that are used today are incorporated with the cloud. Most of our data and processes exist in the cloud. But simple as it is, just uploading your files to the cloud or using services of the cloud, doesn`t guarantee that it`s secure.

ScorecardX Integrates with OpenAI's GPT-4

As part of SecurityScorecard’s commitment to making the world a safer place, we are now the first and only security ratings platform to integrate with OpenAI’s GPT-4 system. With this natural language processing capability, cybersecurity leaders can find immediate answers and suggested mitigations for high-priority cyber risks.

A Big Week at RSA - Hot Company in API Security, API Defenders on the Show Floor

With warm and sunny weather expected all week, a bunch of the Salt team is thrilled to be at RSA in San Francisco! We’ll get the chance to talk with security leaders about why API security has become a priority project, and we’ll get time to catch up with customers and each other. It’ll be a great week!

Accelerate Your Security Transformation with Google Workspace and CrowdStrike

Each day, enterprise and public sector IT teams face new challenges when managing hybrid work for networks of hundreds, or even thousands, of users. A more distributed workforce means an increased reliance on collaboration and productivity tools. It also requires a strong strategy to protect these systems against vulnerabilities and modern cyberattacks.

Improving software supply chain security for cloud applications and workloads

You should consider the following tips, tricks and best practices to help improve your supply chain security in the cloud. The cloud has revolutionized the way businesses operate, providing a scalable and cost-effective solution for storing, processing, and sharing data. However, with this growth has come new security concerns, particularly around the cloud software supply chain.

Uncovering Digital Evidence: Navigating the Complexities of Cloud Computing Forensic Science

Forensic investigators must understand how to navigate challenges to successfully uncover digital evidence in the cloud. By following best practices and utilizing the latest tools and techniques, organizations can be better prepared to investigate cyber threats and mitigate risks.