Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Cloudflare is faster than Netskope and Zscaler across LATAM

Last CIO Week, we showed you how our network stacks up against competitors across several countries. We demonstrated with our tests that Cloudflare Access is 38% faster than ZScaler (ZPA) worldwide. Today we wanted to focus on LATAM and show how our network performed against Zscaler and Netskope in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Answering Key Questions About Embracing AI in Cybersecurity

As we witness a growing number of cyber-attacks and data breaches, the demand for advanced cybersecurity solutions is becoming critical. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful contender to help solve pressing cybersecurity problems. Let’s explore the benefits, challenges, and potential risks of AI in cybersecurity using a Q&A composed of questions I hear often.

Curating Open source Libraries on JFrog Platform, part II.

Software supply chain security has been the most widely discussed topic for anyone who is writing applications utilizing the majority of open-source or third-party libraries. This webinar will showcase JFrog Platform's abilities to curate and compose workflows to help isolate libraries that have vulnerabilities and promote libraries to repositories that can be safely used. This webinar will also demonstrate self-service curation workflows.

Can AI write secure code?

AI is advancing at a stunning rate, with new tools and use cases are being discovered and announced every week, from writing poems all the way through to securing networks. Researchers aren’t completely sure what new AI models such as GPT-4 are capable of, which has led some big names such as Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak, alongside AI researchers, to call for a halt on training more powerful models for 6 months so focus can shift to developing safety protocols and regulations.

Trustwave Answers 11 Important Questions on ChatGPT

ChatGPT can arguably be called the breakout software introduction of the last 12 months, generating both amazement at its potential and concerns that threat actors will weaponize and use it as an attack platform. Karl Sigler, Senior Security Research Manager, SpiderLabs Threat Intelligence, along with Trustwave SpiderLabs researchers, has been tracking ChatGPT’s development over the last several months.

AI, Cybersecurity, and Emerging Regulations

The SecurityScorecard team has just returned from an exciting week in San Francisco at RSA Conference 2023. This year’s theme, “Stronger Together,” was meant to encourage collaboration and remind attendees that when it comes to cybersecurity, no one goes it alone. Building on each other’s diverse knowledge and skills is what creates breakthroughs.

Ultimate Security Checklist to Launch a Mobile App in Oman - iOS & Android

Your best mobile apps might turn into the worst ones if you neglect the security domain during the development of your app because the vulnerabilities that creep in make the apps more prone to attacks. Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that if cybercrime were an independent country, it would become the world's third-largest economy by 2025.

Top Mobile App Security Risks: From Risky Behavior to Hidden Malicious Code

In recent years, especially with hybrid work, almost everyone uses an iOS or Android device for work. In fact, in a recent survey, Lookout found that 92% of remote workers use their personal laptops or smartphones for work tasks, with 46% of them having saved files onto their devices. Now that employees expect to be productive from anywhere, organizations across all industries have become more relaxed with allowing the use of personal devices with bring-your-own-device (BYOD) programs.