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AI Remediation: A massive time-saver

One of the biggest challenges that application security engineers are facing is the large amount of false positives from security scanners. False positives are results that indicate a vulnerability where there is none, or where the risk is negligible. Triaging these false positives wastes a lot of time.

How Technology Can Enhance Security and Management in Prisons

In the United States, over 3,000 jails operate in relative obscurity, and they admit roughly 10.3 million individuals each year. It's a hidden population, often overlooked by the public eye. Yet, the impact of these annual jail admissions ripples through lives, families, and communities, causing profound harm and disruption. Amid this complex challenge, technology emerges as a promising force. It promises to transform the landscape of prison management and security, offering innovative solutions to age-old problems.

Cloudflare now uses post-quantum cryptography to talk to your origin server

Quantum computers pose a serious threat to security and privacy of the Internet: encrypted communication intercepted today can be decrypted in the future by a sufficiently advanced quantum computer. To counter this store-now/decrypt-later threat, cryptographers have been hard at work over the last decades proposing and vetting post-quantum cryptography (PQC), cryptography that’s designed to withstand attacks of quantum computers.

See what threats are lurking in your Office 365 with Cloudflare Email Retro Scan

We are now announcing the ability for Cloudflare customers to scan old messages within their Office 365 Inboxes for threats. This Retro Scan will let you look back seven days and see what threats your current email security tool has missed.

Detecting zero-days before zero-day

We are constantly researching ways to improve our products. For the Web Application Firewall (WAF), the goal is simple: keep customer web applications safe by building the best solution available on the market. In this blog post we talk about our approach and ongoing research into detecting novel web attack vectors in our WAF before they are seen by a security researcher. If you are interested in learning about our secret sauce, read on.

Encrypted Client Hello - the last puzzle piece to privacy

Today we are excited to announce a contribution to improving privacy for everyone on the Internet. Encrypted Client Hello, a new proposed standard that prevents networks from snooping on which websites a user is visiting, is now available on all Cloudflare plans. Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) is a successor to ESNI and masks the Server Name Indication (SNI) that is used to negotiate a TLS handshake.

Post-quantum cryptography goes GA

Over the last twelve months, we have been talking about the new baseline of encryption on the Internet: post-quantum cryptography. During Birthday Week last year we announced that our beta of Kyber was available for testing, and that Cloudflare Tunnel could be enabled with post-quantum cryptography. Earlier this year, we made our stance clear that this foundational technology should be available to everyone for free, forever.

Veracode AI Thought Leadership Podcast

Veracode co-founder Chris Wysopal joins host Brian Roche, Chief Product Officer of Veracode, in our inaugural video podcast, The Tech Evolution. In this episode Brian and Chris discuss the impact that artificial intelligence has on software development, and even more importantly, keeping software secure using this exciting new technology.

How to execute an Azure Cloud purple team exercise

For folks who are responsible for threat detection of any kind for their organizations, the cloud can often be a difficult area to approach. At the time of writing, Amazon Web Services contains over two hundred services, while the Azure cloud offers six hundred. Each of these services can generate unique telemetry and each surface can present defenders with a unique attack path to handle. Adding to this complexity is the diversity of cloud workload configurations, as well as varying architecture models.