Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


How Netskope's Security Competency and AWS Integrations Help Address the Shared Responsibility Model

It’s no secret that Amazon Web Services (AWS) continues to grow by leaps and bounds as organizations modernize their IT infrastructure by migrating apps and workloads to the cloud. And due to the AWS shared responsibility model of cloud security, a deep and broad ecosystem of security vendors has also grown up alongside AWS.

OWASP API Top 10 2023: What changed and why it's important?

Back in 2019, OWASP released its first API Top-10 list. It quickly gained widespread acceptance and acknowledgment from the industry about the challenges faced in protecting APIs. Since then, growth in APIs has continued, and the threat landscape also evolved rapidly. OWASP has released an updated API Top 10 2023 with quite a few changes from 2019 to address the changes and provide new insights and recommendations.

How to execute an Azure Cloud purple team exercise

For folks who are responsible for threat detection of any kind for their organizations, the cloud can often be a difficult area to approach. At the time of writing, Amazon Web Services contains over two hundred services, while the Azure cloud offers six hundred. Each of these services can generate unique telemetry and each surface can present defenders with a unique attack path to handle. Adding to this complexity is the diversity of cloud workload configurations, as well as varying architecture models.

Unparalleled Cloud Visibility in Action with Sysdig's Enhanced Searchable Inventory

Discover how Sysdig’s "Improved Inventory" can help you find your way inside your ever-growing cloud infrastructure with minimal effort. With Inventory, navigating the intricate network of your cloud resources becomes not just manageable, but intuitive. It provides a seamless interface that marries comprehensive visibility with dynamic searchability, making it the cornerstone of effective cloud security posture management.

Rethinking Cloud Security with Sysdig's CNAPP

Time is the currency of the cloud, where rapid innovation collides with fast-paced attacks. Discover how Sysdig's Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) reimagines cloud security, leveraging the Cloud Attack Graph, powered by runtime insights to correlate assets, detect risks, and provide real-time insights. See how to connect the dots and uncover hidden attack paths, prioritize risks, and stop attacks in their tracks. With Sysdig, secure every second.

R4IoT: When Ransomware Meets the Internet of Things

Originally published June 1, 2022 In mid-2022, Forescout Research – Vedere Labs developed R4IoT, a proof-of-concept that showed how IoT devices could become entry points for IT and further OT ransomware attacks. The original blog post, below, explains how we came to create R4IoT and why. Our 2023H1 Threat Review included ample evidence that cross-device attacks like R4IoT are now a reality.