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Conversational AI vs. generative AI: What's the difference?

In the intricate world of artificial intelligence, it's essential to distinguish between the different AI technologies at our disposal. Two key domains that often lead to confusion are conversational AI and generative AI. Though their names might sound related, they are fundamentally different in their applications and underlying mechanisms. Let's dive into the realm of AI to elucidate the distinctions between these two intriguing domains.

The ultimate guide to cloud DLP for GenAI

How many of us use ChatGPT? And how many of us use SaaS applications as part of our daily workflows? Whether you know it or not, if you use either of these tools, your data has likely traveled beyond the boundaries of your “fort.” What do I mean by “fort,” exactly? For this guide, consider your “fort” to be somewhere where you can monitor and secure your data. When data leaks outside your “fort,” it presents a myriad of possible risks.

Have your data and hide it too: An introduction to differential privacy

Many applications rely on user data to deliver useful features. For instance, browser telemetry can identify network errors or buggy websites by collecting and aggregating data from individuals. However, browsing history can be sensitive, and sharing this information opens the door to privacy risks. Interestingly, these applications are often not interested in individual data points (e.g.

Hunting for Android Privilege Escalation with a 32 Line Fuzzer

Trustwave SpiderLabs tested a couple of Android OS-based mobile devices to conduct the research on privilege escalation scenarios. Specifically, we wanted to show a straightforward process attackers may use to exploit vulnerabilities in an Android device’s system services and systems. The testing revealed that, in some cases, exploiting the issues we found were very easy.

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Egress experts share predictions for cybersecurity in 2024

2023 has been a ground-breaking year for cybersecurity advancements and attacks, with new developments making headlines globally. Experts from threat intelligence, product management, and customer services at Egress share their predictions for what's to come in 2024 in this dynamic landscape.

Hybrid Cloud vs. Multi-Cloud: What's the Difference?

In the beginning, there was “the cloud.” The concept was a bit fuzzy around the edges (like all clouds), but compliance officers understood what the term meant. The cloud was the ability of one company to provide computing, storage, and networking capabilities to other companies via the Internet — whenever the customer needed those services, and as many services as needed. As cloud computing evolved, so did specializations.

The Challenges for License Compliance and Copyright with AI

So you want to use AI-generated code in your software or maybe your developers already are using it. Is it too risky? Large language model technology is progressing at rapid speeds, and policy makers are ill-equipped to catch up quickly. Anything resembling legal clarity may take years to come about. Some organizations are deciding not to use AI at all for code generation, while others are using it cautiously — but everyone has questions.

The Impact of Cloud Computing on Threat Intelligence

The advent of cloud computing has revolutionized various industries, with cybersecurity being no exception. In the realm of threat intelligence, cloud computing has emerged as a game-changing force, enhancing the way intelligence is gathered, analyzed, and applied. This post delves into the transformative impact of cloud-based solutions on threat intelligence.

Five Questions Security Teams Need to Ask to Use Generative AI Responsibly

Since announcing Charlotte AI, we’ve engaged with many customers to show how this transformational technology will unlock greater speed and value for security teams and expand their arsenal in the fight against modern adversaries. Customer reception has been overwhelmingly positive as organizations see how Charlotte AI will make their teams faster, more productive and learn new skills, which is critical to beat the adversaries in the emerging generative AI arms race.