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Friday Flows Special Edition: Change Control with AI Summary

Tyler Talaga, Staff Engineer at MyFitnessPal, is one of the early adopters of Tines' AI capabilities. In this special "Wednesday Workflows," Tyler walks through a story he built to improve the visibility of Change Control requests. This workflow routes Change Control requests to Slack with a detailed summary provided through the AI Action, helping the team quickly approve (or deny) a change. The MyFitnessPal team is building many new, helpful automations with the AI capabilities, including one to summarize vulnerabilities fixed in MacOS updates.

Three Questions to Ask About Your Cloud Security Posture

For most organizations, the decision to adopt cloud technologies is a simple one. Cloud apps streamline operations and costs while enabling users to access resources from anywhere and on any device. But migrating to the cloud has also introduced some complexity, which comes with new risks. Instead of everything residing neatly within your corporate perimeter, your data now resides within countless apps and is being handled by users and endpoints that operate outside of your sphere of influence.

What Udemy is building with AI in Tines

For the security team at Udemy, AI in workflow automation provides an opportunity to unlock new time savings while keeping their organization secure, and protecting their online learning and teaching marketplace of 62 million users. But like all good security teams, they don’t want to sacrifice data security or privacy. AI in Tines, which is secure and private by design, provides that all-important layer of control - data never leaves the region, travels online, is logged, or is used for training.

New Phishing Tactics: Cloudflare Workers, HTML Smuggling, and GenAI

Cybersecurity researchers are ringing the alarm on new phishing campaigns exploiting Cloudflare Workers, HTML smuggling, and generative AI (GenAI) to target user credentials. These innovative techniques highlight the sophisticated strategies cybercriminals are deploying to bypass security measures and harvest sensitive information.

Introducing AI in Tines

Everyone in the market is talking about AI right now. It’s a modern marvel; some say it might even be as big as the Industrial Revolution. We’re not big on grandiose statements like that, but we are big on delivering products that help our customers be more efficient and secure and, as a result, have happier and more engaged teams. That’s why today, we’re excited to announce AI in Tines. Two powerful features to make Tines even more accessible to any member of your organization.

Wireshark: Ethereal Network Analysis for the Cloud SOC

Remember Wireshark from the good old days of your IT degree or early engineering adventures? Well, guess what? It’s still kicking and just as relevant today as it was back then, and guess what else? It is still open source! Do your engineering or security teams use it? There’s a good chance they do if you’re on-premises. Believe it or not, Wireshark isn’t just for the land of wires and cables anymore. With some help from Falco and Kubernetes, it has a place in the cloud SOC.

Unlocking Deeper Cloud Security: Panoptica Unveils Additional Capabilities at CLUS

In today' s dynamic cloud landscape, the demand for a sophisticated, all-in-one security platform is paramount. Panoptica meets the challenge head-on, empowering security teams with actionable insights that enhance their security posture.

Policy Enforcement Redefined: Panoptica Integrates with Multi-Cloud Defense making it the first CNAPP solution to expand into Network Security

In the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity, the integration of cutting-edge technologies is paramount to stay ahead of evolving threats. In this pursuit, the fusion of Panoptica’s robust capabilities with Multi-Cloud Defense emerges as a game-changer. This groundbreaking integration not only fortifies organizations against multifaceted risks but also establishes a new paradigm in policy enforcement for unparalleled security.

A Brief Look at AI in the Workplace: Risks, Uses and the Job Market

Anyone remotely wired into technology newsfeeds – or any newsfeeds for that matter – will know that AI (artificial intelligence) is the topic of the moment. In the past 18 months alone, we’ve borne witness to the world’s first AI Safety Summit, a bizarre and highly public leadership drama at one of the world’s top AI companies, and countless prophecies of doom. And yet, even after all that, it seems businesses have largely failed to take meaningful action on AI.