Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


What's at Stake if a Credit Union Is Breached?

The financial industry experienced the second-highest data breach cost in 2023, according to IBM. This includes breaches that affected credit unions as well as other financial institutions. But, despite costs, what else is at stake if a credit union is breached? If a credit union is breached, customer Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is at risk of being exposed and used for malicious purposes such as identity theft and fraud.

[NEW RESEARCH]: KnowBe4's 2024 Phishing by Industry Benchmarking Report Reveals that 34.3% of Untrained End Users Will Fail a Phishing Test

The prevalence of cyber crime continues to soar, victimizing individuals in both their work and private lives. Cybercriminals are indiscriminate, targeting around the clock and across the globe. With digital security advancing, these criminals shift their focus to exploiting human weakness amidst increasingly secure technological environments.

Deploying Cato SASE, Step by Step

It’s not uncommon for enterprises to find themselves in a situation where they’ve purchased new technology but are then faced with the hurdle of understanding what they’ve acquired and how to deploy it. This can often lead to confusion, deployment delays, and frustration with the new technology. Deploying the Cato SASE solution can be both simple and quick if you follow this checklist.

Secure AI tool adoption: Perceptions and realities

In our latest report, Snyk surveyed security and software development technologists, from top management to application developers, on how their companies had prepared for and adopted generative AI coding tools. While organizations felt ready and believed AI coding tools and AI-generated code were safe, they failed to undertake some basic steps for secure adoption. And within the ranks, those close to the code have greater doubts about AI safety than those higher up in management.

Top 5 Most Commonly Used IoT Protocols and Their Security Issues

What happens when devices meant to make your life easier become tools for intrusion? Your smart TV could become a surveillance device, your fitness tracker could leak your health data, and your connected car could be remotely hijacked. In the world of IoT vulnerabilities, the technology designed to serve you could turn against you. The Internet of Things promises convenience and connectivity. The risks of cyberattacks targeting these devices are growing exponentially.

Random but Memorable - Episode 12.9: Previously Generated Internet Slop with Jason Meller

Should businesses be tying compensation and bonuses to security performance? We debate this question and more in the latest instalment of Watchtower Weekly. It's also time to get your best guesses ready for the penultimate game of Security Blank! Plus, we sit down with Jason Meller to discuss the recent acquisition of Kolide and what it means for the future of 1Password. In this episode, you'll learn how we can all make the productive way to work the secure way to work.

Looming Cyber Threats to Watch for Before the Paris 2024 Olympics

When it comes to the Olympic Games, the first thought on people’s minds is not usually about managing their cybersecurity. While the Olympics are home to the best of the best athletes, it is also home to trained cybercriminals who seek to profit off the large scale event for their own gain. With the Paris Olympics this summer congregating in over 16 cities in France, there is an abundance of opportunities for cybercrimes such as phishing scams and fake ticket sales to occur.

The Best Apps for Doctors to Protect Information from Data Leaks

Did you know that in 2023, over 133 million healthcare records were breached? Healthcare has remained the most popular target for hackers and cybercriminals to attack. Why? These industries contain a huge amount of sensitive information, including: With such a vast amount of data at stake, tools for doctors should focus on privacy and security and help keep healthcare information safe from data breaches.

CVE-2024-4358 & CVE-2024-1800: PoC Exploit Published for Pre-Authenticated RCE Chain in Progress Telerik Report Server

On May 31st, 2024, a Proof of Concept (PoC) exploit and technical analysis were published for a pre-authentication Remote Code Execution (RCE) exploit chain impacting Telerik Report Server, a product by Progress designed for streamlined report management within organizations.

Locker vs Crypto Ransomware: What's the Difference?

While both locker and crypto ransomware are types of ransomware, there is one key difference between the two. The main difference between locker and crypto ransomware is that locker ransomware locks an entire device whereas crypto ransomware only encrypts files and data stored on the infected device. Keep reading to learn more about locker and crypto ransomware and how your organization can prevent these and other ransomware attacks.