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An Introduction To Purple Teaming

With cyber threats constantly evolving, organizations must ensure that their approach to identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities is always up to date. Purple teaming can play a vital role in helping them to achieve this. Purple teaming involves red and blue teams collaborating on an ongoing basis to maximize their impact. Read on to discover how purple teaming enables businesses to enhance and accelerate their approach to identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Management Modernization & FedRAMP: Resilient Cyber Podcast

Ever wonder how Nucleus got started? Curious to know what our CEO and co-founder Steve Carter is working on? You’re in luck. Steve joined host Chris Hughes on the Cyber Resilience podcast to talk about those topics and more. Additionally, Steve and Chris explored the process for earning FedRAMP authorization, some of the particular vulnerability management challenges government agencies are dealing with, and why risk-based vulnerability management resonates with the government community.

New Phishing Tactics: Cloudflare Workers, HTML Smuggling, and GenAI

Cybersecurity researchers are ringing the alarm on new phishing campaigns exploiting Cloudflare Workers, HTML smuggling, and generative AI (GenAI) to target user credentials. These innovative techniques highlight the sophisticated strategies cybercriminals are deploying to bypass security measures and harvest sensitive information.

Life in Cybersecurity: From the Classroom to the Next Generation of Cybersecurity Professional

When you speak with many of the seasoned veterans of cybersecurity, it is not unusual to learn of the twisted path in technology that eventually landed them in the security profession. However, the newest cybersecurity professionals are digital natives. They grew up in a world of technology and were exposed to cybersecurity as early as their first interactions with the internet.

AI Autonomy and the Future of Cybersecurity

Have you ever wondered how Artificial Intelligence (AI) could mimic consciousness and autonomously control various tasks? It sounds rather daunting. However, it may not be as intimidating as it seems under the right conditions. Moreover, Would AI perform tasks independently in the same manner as humans? And what implications does this hold for cybersecurity? In the present day, we are observing the rise of self-driving cars that operate with minimal human input.

Wireshark: Ethereal Network Analysis for the Cloud SOC

Remember Wireshark from the good old days of your IT degree or early engineering adventures? Well, guess what? It’s still kicking and just as relevant today as it was back then, and guess what else? It is still open source! Do your engineering or security teams use it? There’s a good chance they do if you’re on-premises. Believe it or not, Wireshark isn’t just for the land of wires and cables anymore. With some help from Falco and Kubernetes, it has a place in the cloud SOC.

The Top 5 Areas of Your IT Ecosystem to Monitor in 2024

In today’s complex IT ecosystems, extending equal protection across the entire network is simply not feasible. Instead, organizations need to determine which systems are inherently most critical and prioritize maintaining their operational integrity through effective IT monitoring: tracking performance and activity across servers, applications and other technology components.

Securing next-gen development: Lessons from Trust Bank and TASConnect

Today, the average application contains thousands of moving parts. Organizations deploy to multi-cloud environments with containers and microservices, using a combination of code written by internal teams, generated by AI, and curated by third parties. Security teams face a tall order in keeping these complex applications secure, especially given the increasing number of software supply chain attacks.

Why Firewalls Are Not Enough in Today's Cybersecurity Landscape

Firewall technology has mirrored the complexities in network security, evolving significantly over time. Originally serving as basic traffic regulators based on IP addresses, firewalls advanced to stateful inspection models, offering a more nuanced approach to network security. This evolution continued with the emergence of Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs), which brought even greater depth through data analysis and application-level inspection.

Operation Grandma: A Tale of LLM Chatbot Vulnerability

Who doesn’t like a good bedtime story from Grandma? In today’s landscape, more and more organizations are turning to intelligent chatbots or large language models (LLMs) to boost service quality and client support. This shift is receiving a lot of positive attention, offering a welcome change given the common frustrations with bureaucratic delays and the lackluster performance of traditional automated chatbot systems.