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Data Resiliency: What It Is and Why You Need It

Data fuels decision-making, drives innovation, and underpins customer relationships. But data is also vulnerable—to cyberattacks, hardware failures, natural disasters, and even simple human error. That’s where data resiliency comes in. Data resiliency is about more than just having backups: It’s a holistic approach to ensuring that your data remains available, accurate, and secure even in the face of unexpected disruptions.

Asset and Inventory Management - The Foundation of the Vulnerability Management Lifecycle

Organizations face a myriad of cybersecurity threats that can compromise sensitive data and disrupt operations. A cornerstone of defending against these threats is an effective vulnerability management program. This program’s first, and arguably most critical, step is strong asset and inventory management. A thorough and accurate asset inventory is essential for identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities.

DLP 101: What is data loss prevention, and why do you need it?

Imagine running a business that handles sensitive information, like financial data or health data. Now, think about what could happen if that data slipped out through a careless email, a file shared in the cloud, or a compromised account. This kind of data leak could result in hefty fines and a loss of customer trust. Data loss prevention products are critical from stopping this scenario from ever coming to pass.

Introducing Books

The months leading up to audits can be some of the most stressful for security and privacy teams. Some audits can take up to 9 months to prepare for and another 3 months to complete, with security and privacy teams spearheading the evidence collection. Collecting evidence used to be a walk in the park, but that was before multi-cloud environments, new standards, and emerging regional privacy requirements.

Samsung Introduces Million-Dollar Bug Bounty for Critical Galaxy Vulnerabilities

Samsung has introduced a groundbreaking bug bounty program offering up to $1,000,000 for discovering critical vulnerabilities in its mobile devices. This initiative, named the 'Important Scenario Vulnerability Program (ISVP),' underscores Samsung's commitment to bolstering the security of its Galaxy devices. The program focuses on vulnerabilities related to arbitrary code execution, device unlocking, data extraction, arbitrary application installation, and bypassing device protections.

Tech Analysis: Addressing Claims About Falcon Sensor Vulnerability

CrowdStrike is aware of inaccurate reporting and false claims about the security of the Falcon sensor. This blog sets the record straight by providing customers with accurate technical information about the Falcon sensor and any claims regarding the Channel File 291 incident. CrowdStrike has provided a Technical Root Cause Analysis and executive summary that describes the bug in detail.

Brivo Access: How to Grant Elevator Access to a Floor

Discover how to grant elevator access to a floor for non-credentialed users in Brivo Access. This tutorial guides administrators through the steps needed to ensure secure and efficient access management for visitors or temporary personnel. Enhance your building's access control with these easy-to-follow instructions. Perfect for administrators managing visitor access! Watch now to optimize your Brivo Access system!

Top Cybersecurity Priorities for 2024 | Razorthorn Security

Welcome to Razorwire, the podcast that cuts through the noise of the information security industry. I'm your host, Jim, and today we're taking a look at the Top Cybersecurity Priorities for 2024 with our guest, Oliver Rochford. If you're a cybersecurity professional taking on the evolving threats and challenges of our field, you won't want to miss this discussion. From the rapid consolidation within the tech sector to the challenges of supply chain security and the limitations of today's infosec tools, we leave no stone unturned.

BYOD Security Best Practices

Bring Your Own Device, better known as BYOD, is when employees can use their personal devices on a company’s network to complete their work tasks. Companies sometimes prefer their employees to use their own devices because they save money on providing technology and resources. Despite this financial benefit, companies should recognize the security risks BYOD can bring to their employees and organizations.