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CSRF simplified: A no-nonsense guide to Cross-Site Request Forgery

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a serious web security vulnerability that allows attackers to exploit active sessions of targeted users to perform privileged actions on their behalf. Depending on the relevancy of the action and the permissions of the targeted user, a successful CSRF attack may result in anything from minor integrity impacts to a complete compromise of the application.

The State of Phishing-Resistant MFA

In our increasingly interconnected world, the specter of cybercrime looms larger than ever, casting a shadow over people, businesses, and governments alike. Among the slew of cyber threats bombarding entities daily, phishing attacks are a particularly pernicious menace. With each day, bad actors hone their techniques, leveraging the latest tools and psychological tactics to craft sophisticated phishing campaigns that are clever enough to defy all but the closest scrutiny.

Observability Meets Security: Tracing that Connection

As outlined in a previous post, OpenTelemetry and Splunk Observability Cloud can provide great visibility when security teams investigate activity in modern environments. In this post, we look at another aspect of this visibility: how you can use traces to see directly into the workings of an application to find a potential threat. Let’s imagine we’re the security analyst, and a message comes across from the Security Operations Center (SOC).

CIO POV: CrowdStrike Incident Offers 3 Digital Resilience Lessons

On July 19, 2024, organizations around the world began to experience the “blue screen of death” in what would soon be considered one of the largest IT outages in history. Early rumors of a mass cyberattack were quickly squashed: it seemed a minor software update was to blame for countless shopping excursions cut short, airline flights grounded and critical surgeries postponed.

Attackers Abuse Google Drawings to Host Phishing Pages

Researchers at Menlo Security warn that a phishing campaign is exploiting Google Drawings to evade security filters. The phishing emails inform the user that their Amazon account has been suspended, instructing them to click on a link in order to update their information and reactivate their account. The phishing page is crafted with Google Drawings, which makes it more likely to fool humans while evading detection by security technologies.

Four easy ways to analyze your Java and Kotlin code

Nowadays, the security of your applications is just as important as the functionality they provide. Therefore, analyzing your code for security vulnerabilities is a vital part of maintaining the integrity of your applications and protecting your users' data. As developers, we are at the front lines of this battle. It's our responsibility to ensure that the code we write is not just functional and efficient but also secure.