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Attackers Abuse Google Drawings to Host Phishing Pages

Researchers at Menlo Security warn that a phishing campaign is exploiting Google Drawings to evade security filters. The phishing emails inform the user that their Amazon account has been suspended, instructing them to click on a link in order to update their information and reactivate their account. The phishing page is crafted with Google Drawings, which makes it more likely to fool humans while evading detection by security technologies.

Gartner Insights: Navigating the Evolving API Protection Market and Taking Action

Securing your API ecosystem is increasingly complex, leaving organizations unsure where to begin. Gartner's 2024 Market Guide for API Protection offers clear guidance: Understanding your API attack surface and prioritizing your security efforts is crucial. Once you have visibility into your API landscape, you can implement appropriate security measures to protect your APIs from abuse and access violations.

Four easy ways to analyze your Java and Kotlin code

Nowadays, the security of your applications is just as important as the functionality they provide. Therefore, analyzing your code for security vulnerabilities is a vital part of maintaining the integrity of your applications and protecting your users' data. As developers, we are at the front lines of this battle. It's our responsibility to ensure that the code we write is not just functional and efficient but also secure.

Thwarting Cyberattacks: Top In-House Solutions

There is no doubt that the number (and severity) of cyberattacks is on the rise. While the lion's share of attention has been devoted to major breaches that often impact multinational organisations, the fact of the matter is that small- to medium-sized enterprises are also at risk. This is why managers and stakeholders must adopt the latest safety protocols to avoid incidents that might otherwise quickly bring operations to a halt. Let us look at four practical suggestions, and the unique benefits associated with each.

Top Reasons to Invest in Aluminum Gates

When it comes to securing your home while maintaining an attractive exterior, aluminum gates are an exceptional choice. Whether you have a modern or traditional home, aluminum fences provide the perfect balance between security and aesthetic appeal. At Aluglobus Fence, we specialize in crafting custom aluminum gates that offer both style and durability, ensuring your home remains safe and welcoming.

Insider Risk Management Strategies to Protect Sensitive Data

Cybersecurity methods are usually focused on protecting an organization from external risk factors, but insider attacks can be just as dangerous and costly as those that originate outside an organization. In fact, insider threats pose serious security risks because they typically involve individuals with authorized access to the organization’s systems, data, or networks.

Enable Computer and User Accounts to be Trusted for Delegation

The policy setting ‘Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation’ for Administrators and No One allows users to change the Trusted for Delegation setting on a computer object in Active Directory. Abuse of this privilege could allow unauthorized users to impersonate other users on the network. The Windows security setting enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation is a powerful security feature primarily used in enterprise environments.