Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


What Does the HIPAA Safe Harbor Bill Mean for Your Practice?

Getting incentives for the best security practices is a win-win for all healthcare-related entities. For one, you are getting incentives, and secondly, you are making sure that you have a rock-solid defense in terms of security. Many organizations find that the rules and regulations that HIPAA entails are too extensive and overwhelming, however. What’s more, cybersecurity wasn’t a thing when HIPAA was introduced.

Stories from the SOC - DNS recon + exfiltration

Our Managed Threat Detection and Response team responded to an Alarm indicating that suspicious reconnaissance activity was occurring internally from one of our customer's scanners. This activity was shortly followed by escalating activity involving brute force activity, remote code execution attempts, and exfiltration channel probing attempts all exploiting vulnerable DNS services on the domain controllers.

10 steps to cyber security for your business

In this article, you will understand what cyber security entails and the breakdown of NCSC’s 10 steps to cyber security that you must know. During our third party security validation exercises or customer communication, we have often come across customers without an answer to ‘what actually their IT and security products are protecting’. It is vital to be aware of what is important, what to protect and how to protect before shopping for security products.

Weekly Cyber Security News 12/03/2021

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. I’m not going to make any snappy and witty remark over this one as I feel the horror everyone must have felt seeing the photos and aftermath. We never hope to have to enact a DR plan, and after being there many years ago when I had to, believe me it is not fun even when prepared.

Create and Manage API Service Accounts with the Identity API

In this video you will learn how to use the Identify REST API command to: Veracode REST APIs enable you to access Veracode Platform data and functionality using REST API programming conventions. The API provides endpoints for managing users, teams, and business units, using the create, update, read, and delete actions on their respective objects. It also provides a consistent way of onboarding teams by scripting the process from start to finish.

The biggest bot threats to your brand in 2021

In our recent webinar Netacea’s Head of Threat Research, Matthew Gracey-McMinn and Head of eCommerce, Thomas Platt, delved into the top threats set to shape the bot landscape in 2021. 2020 saw an increasing number of bot-based attacks as everything moved online. From online shopping to working from home, the pandemic has changed the way we interact, communicate and consume. As internet activity increased, so did the opportunity to exploit users.

Integrate certificate life cycle management with enterprise MDM and boost your mobile ecosystem security

A huge portion of today’s corporate network is made up of mobile endpoints, such as laptops, tablet computers, and mobile phones. These are domain-joined and non-domain devices that require access to corporate assets to carry out everyday operations.